This was an idea mostly promoted by Prager... Obviously Ben grew up listening to him. Ben hardly makes these distinctions anymore.

Since we don't have that technology in the early stages of pregnancy. The woman who had sex should carry the child to term.

You sound like a child. Get rid of pregnancy without killing a child? Why not carry the child to term? The child isn't forced on the woman 99% of the time.

I don't know how dumb these leftists are. It's as if adoption and family doesn't exist.

Ooh so let's kill them. That's so much better says the morally bankrupt.

If your values are important to you, then you have to limit intimacy through communication with your boyfriend. If you're Christian, you have to talk to a religious leader about your temptations and take their advice.

If you're unwilling to do any of these, then it will happen.

This sub has been taken over. Why the downvotes when everything you said is true.

Independents care. So he has to ask Biden if he can mention what the crime is. The point is no one knows what the crime is.

Wrong man? You talk as if he's not leading in the polls and he's not the only one who can draw these MAGA crowds.

Weird. You know any children who look up to their president in terms of mortality? What are their parents and religious leaders doing in their lives?

You didn't give me an example. You just showed me a kid who admired trump. How is he going influencing kids?

That's comparable to Taylor Swift's influence on thousands of kids who listen to her music?

I'm sure that kid is reading up on trump's biography.

Great to hear.

People do things Ghanaian society doesn't accept. What a shocker.