1. Elections are referendums on the incumbent. The incumbent has a terrible record. Hammer on it, especially on the economy and illegal immigration.

  2. Unlike most challengers, you have a record of your own in office. Remind everyone of what they were paying for gas and milk when you were in charge. This is an economy election.

  3. While you do want to remind voters of what they liked about your term, you don't want to remind them of what they didn't like. Don't yell. Don't interrupt excessively. Your supporters all know that you are a fighter. The swing voters want to see you act like a president. You probably lost the election with the disastrous "yell at the old man" debate in 2020. Don't repeat it.

  4. The moderators, Biden, or (most likely) all of them are going to hammer the NY conviction. Feel free to talk about it being a political hit job. Don't claim innocence. Everyone knows you paid Stormy off. Most people don't care. You an also bring up that Biden's special prosecutor didn't recommend charges against him because he's too old and diminished to stand trial.

  5. Everyone who thinks the 2020 election was stolen is already going to vote for you. There is no need to even mention it. If you are asked, just say you are focused on winning this year. The only reminders people want from your first term are the good things.

  6. Feel free to bring up Biden's diminished mental capacity. But do it in a way that makes it sound like you feel sorry for him. He will get mad. Let him start yelling. The voters already wonder if he is still in control. Let them see that he's not. As soon as a presidential candidate has to argue that he didn't poop his pants during a D-Day memorial, he's lost the election.

  7. But don't count on Biden looking like a dementia ward patient during the debate. He will be hopped up on all the stimulants the pharmaceutical industry has to offer. But a "Why did Barack Obama have to lead you off the stage by your hand?" question doesn't have a good answer even if delivered semi-cogently.

  8. The moderators will try their best to hurt you and help Biden. Do their job for them. Ask him questions. He's not smart enough to avoid trying to answer them.

I realize that many of these things go against your nature. You're mad. You have a right to be. But save your anger for after you win. Look like a President on that stage, because the other guy won't.