I was making guitar noises with my mouth....

I can imagine you typing this standing up.


Had a friend who bought a 500k one bedder apartment - he was so skeptical but he now absolutely loves the place. His monthly instalment is less than the rental that I pay and he’s done it up beautifully. He’s also just 90k short of clearing the loan.

He will live there for 2 more years and upsize to a 2 or 3 bedder apartment.

Don’t be stuck on the house, work towards a home that’s going to be yours - be it a loft, apartment or a landed house.

More power to you.

Loved this! Most people get a loan which is waaay beyond their means - a right strategy should be borrow enough that you can at least put two additional EMIs a year. That’ll help cut down your years.

You had me at ‘Waah yar’

Don’t think so, they’re very transparent about pricing

Never said dislike, just said ‘appreciate’.

I doubt it’s the beach. It’s just the overhype around the place with bars, smoothie stations, all the zen and the art of bullshit that’s surrounds it.

Coffee beans are still quite good. I use it for my home machine

I think the Grounds of Alexandria coffee is quite good

He cut his set short around one and a half hours.

He just took his monitors off and walked off.

I had the Whoop for 1 year on my wrist. While I can see the benefits but it really did determine my mood and consequently uplifting/derailing my day. I started focusing on the perfect recovery score and completely cut off from everything.

I think it’s a great tool for professional athletes, their life revolves around each and every metric but for somebody like me with a day job, spontaneous plans, and 5 day workouts, I struggled to keep up.

Sydney night 2 🎪 Live

It was a super weird set. He got fed up with the sound and just left.

I found Mike’s zeal to learn absolutely incredible. No ego, no bullshit, owning and taking up the challenge. Somebody ring Danny and force him to watch this. :P

I pick my battles carefully. :P