Best I can tell, he raped her in the UK, was arrested in the Netherlands, extradited back to the UK, tried in the UK, and served his time in the UK. He's on the sex offender registry in the UK

Seriously. Rapes a 12 year old, gets only a 4 year sentence, and serves only 1?! The UK should be embarrassed

And it's not even his naan! She paid for half of it! It'd be like if she paid for her own fries and he insisted on eating her fries because she likes dipping them in bbq sauce instead of ketchup

He's on the top floor, but there's a flat above him? What kind of magical fantasy wonderland is this?!

I'm guessing kitty litter could be used for traction if your car's stuck in the snow

Especially for a cold

I can't figure out why dude in the shower even has a bowl!

I did the same thing! Drove through St Louis, crossed the river, and had to fill up. Pulled into the gas station, got out of my car, and saw a big ol line up at the cashier. Looked around, no cars at the pumps. Everybody was there buying cigarettes! It was eerie

Apparently fishermen are prone to cussing. Damn, I never heard so many f bombs at once before!

Yeah, I was thinking what exactly does 31% mean because there's no way 31% of people in a survey said they were depressed. But it's even worse than that. They're saying that 31% have been told by a professional that they have depression! Absurd. Totally made up nonsense

To be fair, most diabetics are type 2, most of whom don't use insulin. The incidence of diabetes shown here is for all diabetics. It's higher in the South because obesity is the main cause of type 2 diabetes. But most of them aren't using insulin

3 of the 5 city council members are against it. This is dead on arrival. Everybody calm down

From the Voice of OC article...

Councilwoman Laura Ferguson said the council needs to “stay in our lane,” when asked about the issue by Voice of OC, saying that while she supported abortion within the first trimester, it’s an issue outside of the city’s jurisdiction.

“It’s not even within our purview, it has no teeth,” Ferguson said. “It’s not in any way going to supersede state law.”

You're right. From op's link...

Sweden's seemingly oversized rape rate is perhaps the best-known example of this scenario. During the years 2013-2017, Sweden averaged 64 reported rapes per 100,000 inhabitants—a rate that tied for the highest in Europe. However, when the data was examined, it became clear that Sweden's high numbers were fueled in large part by Sweden's broader definition of rape and more inclusive reporting rules compared to other European countries. When the data was recalculated using Germany's narrower guidelines, for example, Sweden's average reported rapes per 100,000 people fell from 64 to 15, a decrease of 326.7%.

Like at video stores back in the day. (For those of you who are old enough) They'd have the actual videos in the back. You'd bring them the box and they'd get you the video in a case

I'm American and still do finger pricks. Even though I have insurance, it would still cost me way more than I can afford for a Dexcom. I'd love to get one someday though!


They'll never even consider the possibility that someone broke in just to steal their toothbrush. But unlike say a book or keys where they figure they just left it in a weird spot, people always keep the toothbrush in the same place. It'll cause insanity!

I always ask them for a specific number of packets in the drive thru. If I don't, I either don't get enough or I get way too many and I don't like having to toss a bunch in the trash. So I'll ask for 4 and they usually give me 11 anyway