That's cool. I heard being old makes one less likely to care what others think; I'm not sure if that's life experience or frontal lobe atrophy. Either way it's nice to have something to look forward to.

For being old yet using the phrase "rizzed up" I give you a 10 on the please don't do that scale.

I'm not a fan of that either, but to take your question literally: they started doing that a looooooong time ago.

Absolutely agree. Generally if one said "bug" instead of "bag" it would be obvious what was meant from the context.

"Foregoing $6 coffees is the new serfdom"

Does your friend earn much less than you? It might seem like a lot to spend to someone on a low income, but to be honest it's incredibly restrained for someone on your income. You are saving more than enough.

Yeah, if the issue is that it's got a pirated OS installed I can't see why anyone would want to bin it rather than just buy and install Windows. Or at least give it away and let someone else buy and install (or more successfully pirate) Windows.

I hope he's fine OP. 16 hours isn't super long - totally within "got really smashed, phone died, passed out for ages" range.

That's cool. I suspect you like your regular job and routine more than the OP likes theirs, though.

On the one hand this is the answer. On the other hand easier said than done in a lot of situations.

I think there's been a shift in this in recent years with the rise and normalisation of pornhub and so on. Back in the day I don't think many dudes openly had porn mag collections yet now it's become more accepted. Maybe the same will happen with toys in a few years.

Yeah would be good if OP could describe the problem in a little more detail. What is the root of the paranoia? Is it a pre-existing condition or an effect they get from their party activities?

If the latter, and the intent of the question is how to continue partying when experiencing mental health symptoms from overdoing substances, please go easy for a bit OP, plenty of more parties possible in the future but need to make it through life on only one brain.

Although you do wonder if they aren't his extended family members if they're all willing to live in such close quarters.

Not sure we can really guess what's going on here. You should probably just talk to him about it? Unclear how you've determined his age is the key variable.

Haha, man I hate it so much when people call. Sometimes I ignore their call and text later "sorry I missed your call what's up?" and then they call back again immediately. I want to know what it's about before committing to answering hahaha (I guess a bit different if it's your wife though)

That's fair and makes the point generalisations are never completely true. But I would say, on the whole, they are right and it's super common for people above a certain age not to be glued to their phones.

Sometimes. Mostly it's an issue with all similar subs that you're only getting one side of the story. I'm sure there's a lot of cases of "incompatible room-mates", since people tend to underestimate how wildly different people's habits and things they are ok/not with can be.

If you argue over this (or anything) to the point of almost breaking up, for the love of Odin don't have a baby together.

I've definitely noticed the phenomenon. A lot of my female friends will post photos of events they attended with their partner on their moments while leaving him out. I assume it's more of a kind of modesty thing when they are not yet married than anything dark.

Yeah the tiny TV is the only issue with this