It’s the only creative thing I’m good at.

I am the CISO for a decent size organization.  We have a service that does exactly this.  Last renewal was about 75K.

Dude… if you work in it you need to learn to use capitalization.  Was that one of their complaints?

I feel like 120’s in general are in a bad spot unless you have a max range roll and you’re really good at reading and maintaining range.  Or your in a lobby with mostly hunters that don’t prioritize resilience.  

As far as I am concerned, the only benefit that 120’s have is range so if it’s not max range I don’t see the point.  Your basically in range of 340 pulses and some 140 HC’s so why not use something with a lower ttk.

Back in my pen testing days we tracked people down on social media with no name on a pretty regular basis. It really depends how hard someone wants to work to find you or how knowledgeable the person searching is.  As a general rule, Don’t put anything on the Internet that you are not comfortable with the entire world seeing no matter how private you think it is.

Your strategy should completely depend on if your current company has any type of written remote work policy.

I’m pretty bad.  I don’t know how to skate and I play shade binder so no Icarus :(

I have mained Hunter for the five years I’ve played D2 and only very rarely dabbled in other classes and almost never in PVP. With the latest resil changes, I decided to give warlock a try and damn…. I didn’t notice how much of a difference being able to run seven resilience was until I switched off of a character where I wasn’t doing it.  

Ymmmm…. Yeah.  That’s exactly what I think.

Why do you have to turn cruise control “on” in most cars

Every car I've ever owned and every rental I've ever had minus maybe one, requires you to hit a button to turn cruise control on and then hit another button to set the speed. Why not just have cruise always be on and when you press the set button it sets the speed?

I don’t disagree with the sentiment, but that being said, if the building is sold to an out-of-state investor that’s not good for South Bend.  Dave has put a lot of money into developing South Bend (probably more than the actual city) and while I do think he needs a PR makeover, I also think he has the cities best interests at heart.

I have wanted to get into PZ For many years, but just haven’t been able to bring myself to put the time into learning it. That being said, every time this question gets asked that’s always the answer.

Sous vide chicken breast question

I would like to sous vide some chicken breasts and then sear them off one at a time over the next few days. What temperature do I need to sous vide them too to make sure they are safe to cook later?


If you don’t know what Citrix is or does or any of the platforms that compete with it then there’s definitely not something you can put on your résumé that you’ve used.