As the title says I’m curious how helpful pet insurance can come into play for more routine checkups and what not.

Long story short, our late dog died of cancer which came on pretty quickly and we racked up a ton of bills pretty quickly.

Two months later, life has a way of doing things and we rescued a new dog on a whim who is healthy and 8 months old. Our friends suggested we look into pet insurance (they’re also super anal and they bring their dog in for the smallest things to the ER like sensitive stomach etc which is a nice luxury with insurance.)

We found a decent health plan that is $50 a month with a $250 annual deductible with 75% reimbursement. I figured for annual visits alone this makes sense and god forbid she eats something dumb as a puppy and we need to go to the ER, we’d be able to get most of it back.

Just curious for those who have pet insurance if they think it’s generally worth it. Obviously we can’t plan for cancer or anything scary, but for routine appointments is it worth it?

I’m aware what care credit is also if anyone was gonna bring that up, we did use that for my late dog