Ya that does not look like minecraft, calling BS.

I often think that. All the dd is not just being read by us, its being read by the financial terrorists as well. Kind of a double edged sword.

Wow this has lost a lot of pixels after being posted so many times

Ya they are not, those are cheapest plastic bags you can buy.

Thry probably threw away everything

Second this, if you need anything quick, good freaking luck. Canada desperately needs a private competitive sector to balance out the public sector.

Yep there also used to be a lot more fresh water and vegetation for them

I've never understood this bride mindset when it comes to dresses, I've read many stories that are very similar, where the bride gets super upset over what someone else is wearing. If you're that pedantic you should write that specifically on the invites or handpick and pay for everyones outfits.

...And if someone was running at you with a knife, and you had a gun you wouldn't use it?

Slow!!! That was incredibly fast. This isn't holywood.

You can do this with every sitcom. Not one is funny. There is wild videos on youtube of sitcoms without laugh tracks and it is so cringe.

So many people under it just have their phones out filming it.

The amount of this must be ai posts now, too, on videos that clearly aren't ai are pretty funny as well.