Your link has `https//` without the : so it's broken.

How Is It Is Made

I miss bleed glad being good. BTW it's either "how it looks" or "what it looks like".

Your controllers probably wouldn't take Request and Response directly. Your routes are basically just a way of calling your controllers via HTTP. If you ever want to perform actions outside of that it can be useful to have your controllers separated.

For example you might want to run some action from the command line, or in a cron job, or from a job queue.

Being real and keeping it real feel different to me.

Can you explain what you mean by the treat everything as equal rule? I'm not sure I get what you mean.

Btw the contraction for "could have" sounds like "could of" but it's actually spelled "could've".

I think OP is taking the generic "fizzbuzz" test and having some fun turning its name into nouns and verbs. They're not talking about fuzzy search, which I believe is what you mean by fizzy search.