We all know the trope - some clueless somebody is approached by the hero and told to get into a car, boat, choppa, or whatever and when they ask "why", they are told "no time to explain" - but even worse, later when it's clear much time has passed, the situation still has not been explained. Sometimes there's an argument, sometimes the person is kidnapped "for their own protection".

What are some films that don't leave audiences hanging like that. Films where the hero explains it all, so the target isn't clueless any more. My fave of this type is The Terminator (1984). Kyle saves Sarah in the club and then tells her "Come with me if you want to live!". He's immediately explained his intent - to protect her. But there's more - during the car chase and hiding in the garage, he tells her exactly why she's in danger, and why he's there to save her. Complete explanation.

What other movies do this? I want to exclude films like The Eraser (1989) and other escort protection stories, because that's the whole premise, and the somebody already knows the details before the hero shows up.

I think some horror/zombie films do this too, initially. In Night of the Living Dead (1968), the guy in the house tries to explain how the zombies behave to the girl, but she never wises up - until the remake (1990), where she becomes the badass.