Richard Ryder. He stood when all else fell, and we remember.

I have two black cats. Siblings from the same litter. Almost identica Coincidentally I've had them for just a little over a year.

It took a couple months but I've learned to tell them apart.

I could simply recognize my cat in a room of 100. No elaborate strategy required.

I have a few drinks with friends semi regularly. (A few times a month.)

I enjoy it.

That said, I'd take this deal easily. No hesitation, no problem.

Sign me up.

Magik from Marvel comics lost her soul (it was removed and forged into a sweet magic sword) and spent her childhood in a hell dimension being hunted and tortured.

As a result she is a twisted, violent, remorseless dark individual with literally no soul or conscience. She however has generally always served on the side of the good guys (the X-men) due to the fact that her loved ones are good guys.

It's comics so her depictions arent super consistent but she's mostly depicted as someone who WOULD be a villain if left to her own devices, but isn't cause she doesn't want to disappoint or upset her family.

It's not really based on holding or retaining power, but there is a similar, cold practicality to her.

Erase All of the King in Black/Knull bullshit.

Klyntar/Symbiotes were way cooler before the dark god of the void nonsense. Forget Eddie Brock entirely and keep the symbiote with Flash.

Give the Iron fist back to Danny. I don't give a shit about Lin Lei. Danny is the one and only immortal Iron Fist and they need to stop ducking with that.

Erase the Proteus-Morph storyline in Exiles. It was a travesty and I hate it. Reform the core team (Blink, Mimic, Nocturne & Morph) and start a new ongoing.

Bring back Hank Pym. Not Ultron. Proper hero, founding Avenger, Scientist Supreme Hank Pym. Let his redemption arc from Mighty Avengers stick rather than lead to the dumpster fire that was Age of Ultron.

Do you just assume that everyone is planning to kill you?

Then kill your partner and eat him to survive the rest of the week

Lol it's only a week dude. You don't need to kill anybody. Just be hungry

2 out of 10.

If it wasn't for Olivia Coleman it would be a zero. She was great. The rest of the show sucked.

I'm not sure Magneto is firmly against slaves tbh. Depending on the time period, as long as they aren't Mutant slaves, he'd most likely be okay with it.

Daenerys has, despite commanding the unsullied been both more active and more vocal about her anti slavery views.

My neighbor Gary is the worst human being in Canada.

Special counsel Robert Hur is not a physician or psychologist. He's a trial lawyer, not an individual who's qualified to assess mental capacity in any meaningful way.

His opinion on the subject is no more or less valid than yours or mine.

He was evaluated and deemed a well meaning old man who has lost his mental faculties


Blow 2001. Gladiator beats it. Cast Away beats it.

Magnolia 1999. I havent seen it but it was up against Saving Private Ryan. God's and Monsters. American History X. Affliction. That's a tough year to compete in.

You don't get an Oscar for a good performance. Or even a great one. The award is supposed to go to the BEST performance that year. (Ostensibly anyway. It's all subjective)

Like I said, I'm a fan of both of them (as Actors at least), and I would agree that they're both extremely talented.

Imho they've yet to beat the field so I don't agree that either deserve an Oscar yet.

I like their movies but I can't think of a single role for either of them that should have won one.

Early 20's. But yes. It was a wild find.

I will say we never (to my knowledge anyway) actually weighed the weed. 25lbs was just the general estimate among our friend group. It was about half full duffel with three bags pretty tightly packed inside.

Yeah maybe. He made somewhere around 5 grand off it over the summer. Gave a bunch away and threw a bunch of parties and was basically high all the time for like half a year.

I was more than happy with just the cash.

"Don't worry. I'll teach you to focus"

"Here's your lesson. Focus or I'll kill you."