Holy shit lol. I was looking at longer dated calls but ultimately didn’t pull the trigger as I have 12k in the stock already

Inverse WSB, I’m getting scared with all this bullishness

How are markets trading already? I’m confused

Sold my shares for a $1,400 gain on Friday. Hopefully it tanks cuz I want to buy more

What’s the volume on these? I’d imagine pretty low?

This sub hates Tesla. Therefore, the stock is going to moon

I’m telling you to inverse WSB. I have a 52K position, 300 shares

It was silence for months and now all of a sudden a flood of content from them, lmao

I think I’m going to full port some TSLA calls

How is Polestar expecting 155k cars delivered next year?Discussion

Are they out of their mind? Just read an Electrek article that suggested the company expects to sell over 155K next year. What the hell? These cars are priced at a huge premium. Consumer demand is waning for EVs right now (we’re in between adoption waves). The economy isn’t doing too hot either.

Is Thomas Ingelnath braindead? Who is coming up with these numbers?

Yeah idk with Disney. Have a feeling it’s going to break through it’s current support and go to $95, but what do I know…

Is BITO really worth looking at given the low volume?

Affordable Italian restaurants?Ask Detroit

I went to SheWolf a few weeks ago and spent $130 between my spouse and I to get minimal quantity food — never again.

Are there any Italian restaurants in the Detroit or Metro area that gives decently large sized portions that isn’t $25-$30 a dish?

Would be super helpful, thanks!

What does this mean? Buy shares and sell calls/puts?

Adults playing dress up is amazing. Oh wait, it’s Reddit

I told you idiots to inverse this sub and buy TSLA

Reddit is so bearish on Tesla and Boeing… I think we know what this meansDiscussion

I just came across subs hating on Musk: r/cyberstuck, r/musked, and r/realtesla. Are you joking? The Musk hate boner is at an all time high. Even Meta, when it crashed to $90, didn’t receive these levels of hate. This has me wondering… is it time for me to ape my entire margin account into Tesla?

In addition to Tesla, the Boeing hate has been rampant. Do you guys realize that at any one moment, thousands of Boeing aircraft are flying in the air? Flying a Boeing across the globe is safer than driving to your local Wendy’s. Yes, the company has glaring issues and I am not discounting the several hundred people who died due to the company’s negligence. But are we forgetting that Boeing operates in a duopoly with $500B in backlog? Do you really think this company is so regarded they won’t be able to turn it around? At one point, Boeing had a stellar safety record and was the crown jewel for America. I believe now that they’re getting anally pummeled by everyone and their mom, they will fix things.

People citing GM and Citi Bank as behemoths that failed are absolute morons. Y’all realize that Boeing sales aren’t falling the way they did with GM, right?

Anyways, this isn’t financial advice. I’m just pointing out the two most hated companies on Reddit. You know what to do….

Sources: People saying Apple sucked at AI, Reddit IPO was going to fail, Meta going to 0, and the countless other regarded takes.

You know what’s crazy, I went to high school with the guy who started this letter.