Time to call the shipbuilders and pause the luxury submarine

Now I know why all FedEx packages are late

Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is leaving them out of the fruit salad. Seriously, I have found intelligent people to be the most cruel, I think wisdom is the objective. It what I guide my children towards, it's what I hope to attain

Well... I'm being conservative.... I also left out all the Ukraine & China bribery.

Bat house's properly placed: excellent idea! . Bar swallows also good. During COVID, while we were home schooling I ordered an egg of praying mantis. We saw them hatch ( in a dry fish tank in the house ( but the screen on top had holes too big) we got them all rounded up and released them. This was the first year I had not ordered any bit we've seen mantids this summer.... I'm hoping my massive army of praying mantis will curb the tick issues among other. Best of luck to you!!

Amazing! Thanks to big brother for protecting us from the source of life in our universe when we have all been too uninformed to invent a work rest schedule nor codify it in some fashion that other mortals might understand

Ah, I see you are preparing for counter-drone ops as well.... Nice collection!

There's a better than 90% chance Joe showered with his teenage daughter.... If Dems want to vote for a guy who eats dog let's just see it as the road to recovery

Beautiful! I almost got that or the alchemist. How does it shoot?

Doing lines of coke off a strippers ass... With your dad who already wrote the pardon

We will coast to victory but these people are thinking they are ready to go to the mattresses.. get ready

Hey! I hope you are okay. If not I'm me I divorced at JBLM. In between oif and of deployment. I drank a lot but going up to the Cascade mountains healed me in way's I'm not sure I can explain. Where are you? What are you in to?..... Avoid the strip club, just an empty waste of $$$$_

The crazy part is that none of the Reddit lefties have figured out that their preferred source of news has been fucking them over for the last 4 years