Lol. She's the lucky one. You were 100% right. NTA

Flatulence assaults are on the rise in the wake of knife controls.

This. Like. She says they're saving for a down payment, but like... even if he saved up and bought it, that's still $8k not going toward the down-payment, it's literally a money on paper difference.

Whenever I want. But I don't work on any jobs out of my office. 100% jobs out of an office states away.

I'm pretty sure the previous generations' parents did this naturally. But I appreciate this generations professionalism.

Is this a public company? Doesn't change that its a violation of professional standards but for a non public company it's far less serious.

It depends a lot on the partner/director and client you get assigned to. I for example work 40h a week year round and have a 5 week busy season working 60-65 in B4. Which tbh is really good.

gold pickled fowl foot, then killing trash

The nature of action is based in intention. You always do what you most want to do.

Understanding the motivation behind the behavior is the key to understanding though.

Everyone who is manipulative has some inkling that they are being manipulative because at some point they have considered their behavior in the context of forcing someone else to behave in a certain way via indirect action. Which is the definition of manipulation.

The question is when manipulation becomes malicious or sinister.

Lol even your husband's buddies agreed Brian is the asshole. You're good.

That's nuts. Dude has a serious addiction. Imagine wanting to be distracted from sex....

I mean tbf having a pension as early as 38 is pretty nice. If you get a qualification or experience that's transferable to RL that you can collect pension for while working, even better.

Been a lifelong Christian and thankfully never observed this in any of my circles.

Yup.. This is nuts. He says they discussed this. She must have agreed under the assumption that possible meant never. She's been a stepmother the while time whether she likes it or not. She agreed to it by marrying. People. Smh

From the beginning there have always been brothers of silence.

Yeah like, how sure are you that your marriage certificate was filed? Did yall do a courthouse wedding? Were you there when the documents were submitted?

You mentioned how hard it is to get on this artists schedule. Is he like clearing time for you specifically and or doing your work out of hours? Anything that would indicate that there's something more than professional? (Guessing no based on your comment about him being married now too, but you know, covering the bases.)

Assuming no other reason for his discomfort... point out to him that he's the one that's uncomfortable with it, yet he's maintaining a SOCIAL relationship with his exes, while you were having an exclusively PROFESSIONAL interaction with a former fling. He's applying different standards to himself, and to he quite honest, the professional interaction should be far less of a big deal than a purely social relationship being maintained. Some hypocrisy from him there.