I could not cook for the life of me before I met my wife. Not that I was incompetent, just a very boring cook: grilled cheese, boiled dogs, ramen with maybe an egg or slice of cheese for excitement, bland oven baked chicken or pork chops that were never juicy.

Our first year of dating she painstakingly took her time in the kitchen to help me learn what spices suited each other, or what different chemical reactions go on with marinades or roasting and so on. I've since actually come to love cooking and experimenting and learning new recipes on my own. It helps I enjoy trying new stuff but I was afraid to do it without her encouragement and support.

We hosted a party, mostly family (maybe hers more than mine) and I cooked everything. I was so proud of myself, maybe stupidly, for handling a 20+ dinner party from invites to grocery shopping to cooking to handling set up and break down and all. I've helped with cooking and preparation with other parties over our four years but never soup to nuts.

My FIL thanked her for the meal. I can only attribute this to ego but I said "well, you can thank her for teaching me to cook". He kind of got red in the face, then said she did a great job teaching me, and that was that.

As I was cleaning up she asked me why I felt the need to brag by putting her down. I said that wasn't what I meant to do but she said that was what I did, regardless of intent. I apologized but it just wasn't enough. I also asked if this was something I did often, making her feel overlooked, but she said that a party with her family wasn't the place for me to start bragging.