I am wondering where the line is, are people stonewalling because they are frozen? Or because they planned to do that? Do you share your emotions to get a reaction? Or just because you have the desire to be intimate? How do you tell the difference? I have been accused of being manipulative before but usually I am just being vunerable. There have been times I’ve done it to get a response, but that is rare, and I’ll bring it up. Like “why don’t you care? I am trying to show you how I feel and you do not care?” I think that’s probably the extent of it.

On the other hand, at times, when someone is trying to manipulate me, I can pick up on it because it’s illogical.

Other times, I am not sure, and I have to ask or I have to point it out and wait to see what the person says.

But I don’t know for sure if it’s trauma, for example, or a real desire to control how I feel and react. I’m very hard to manipulate, haha. I am curious if I am manipulative, because I am told I can be. I don’t want to be, and I try my best to navigate being human. Where is the line?