solopoly RA

It sounds like what you did was agree to a polyamorous relationship—which means you two aren’t ever exclusive even if you become a couple—when what you wanted was to date around until you were ready to be in an exclusive, monogamous relationship. If I’m right and you ultimately want a monogamous relationship—in the future, you should tell your dates that you’re looking for an exclusive, monogamous relationship.

In my experience, it’s common for two people who are dating to also casually date other people before deciding to become exclusive. That is not what polyamory is. Polyamory is when you’re free to fall in love with other people even after coupling up.

As someone who wants polyamory, it would confuse me if somebody told me that’s what they wanted and then asked for an exclusive relationship. Because that is the opposite of what polyamory is.

solopoly RA

omg mono person from the front page you gave great advice 😍👏🏾

solopoly RA

OMG. One time this guy said he knew I wasn’t asking a question directly over text because of my “tenor” 😭 it pissed me off so much. And is now an inside joke between me and a friend 🤣 my first thought after reading your comment was “because of their tenor” 🤣🤣😭

Acquaintances are people who I get along with but who I don’t wanna get closer to. I talk to literally everybody so I’m acquainted with workers around town for example and people who I see frequently on the bus lol. I just like conversation I guess, I make acquaintances pretty much anywhere I go regularly. Gets me lots of discounts and freebies 🤗

solopoly RA

Yeah it’s really rich to hang out with a crush for four months and then say feelings are too strong to resist. Feelings weren’t that strong in the beginning and you could’ve resisted then, you just chose not to.

solopoly RA

If you spend quality, one on one time with someone you have a lot of chemistry with—yeah you’re gonna want to date them. That is true for me and even people who I dislike who I have chemistry with.

You agreed that you wouldn’t date your partner’s partners though. Soooo stop spending quality time with this meta who you have a crush on.

Also idk how to ask this: what was the point of agreeing to this only to basically question the agreement the moment you were presented with these circumstances? Like you agreed not to date metas. And you’re spending quality time with this meta you have a crush on. Like. What was the point of you saying yes to that agreement? I don’t mean it to be snarky. I guess I’m just wondering if you should examine how you make agreements with people. You don’t want to keep agreeing to stuff only to change your mind in a matter of months the literal first time the opportunity presents itself.

I mean you’re allowed to change your mind. But you know, people can’t rely on your word if you just agree to stuff and do like absolutely nothing to maintain those agreements. At some point, folks are gonna be asking themselves if they can trust you to do what you say.

It’s Indi’s or Chicken King. There’s only one Chicken King. There’s multiple Indi’s but best location for a non-local would be on Preston. Indi’s also has fried cauliflower, and I believe fried green tomatoes are also in season (mentioning because they may not have them listed on the menu 😉).

You can find a food pantry by zipcode here:


Just give them a call and tell them you’ve never been before and ask how the process works, they’ll help you out!

You can find your regional Food Bank here:


To apply for food stamps, it may help to visit in person and ask for the qualifications/what you need to apply if the directions don’t make sense on the website. You may be able to apply in person the same day.

solopoly RA

Well that’s the time he started pulling away, is when y’all decided to be primaries.

Just be mindful about this guy telling you “nope it’s not indefinite :)” and then changing his mind in 4 months and blindsiding you with the total opposite sentiment. I disagree with other comments saying there’s no wrong answer/no red flag. “People change their minds” it’s been four months. And he was so forthcoming and brazen about wanting poly, but QUIET when it came to sharing second thoughts.

If it’s worth trying and putting your trust into someone who agreed with everything you said, withheld how they were feeling for months, then blindsided you with the truth—I heavily suggest you draw your own line in the sand, a real concrete measure of when you definitely are not willing to try monogamy/be in a relationship with someone whose word isn’t reliable. “They agreed with everything I said for months, then pulled away for months, to blindside me with the total opposite of what we agreed to months later” sounds like a really sad and predictable start to an unhealthy relationship :/. Like you just gotta realize you’re wearing rose colored glasses right now.

It’s been less than a year. You don’t want monogamy and you gotta work overtime in under a year to put your trust into someone who has already blindsided you. Just be cognizant of that.

solopoly RA

I’m so excited to get older w the 30yo crowd 🥹

solopoly RA

Sorry that was really low hanging fruit xD I edited my comment to include actual advice lol

solopoly RA

You better watch out

You better not cry!

You better not pout

I’m telling you why

🎶 partner’s partner’s moving to tooown 🎵

You gotta make a list and check it twice of the kind of relationship you want with Birch. So how often in a week do you wanna have a date night/phones down quality time? 3-4 now, would you be cool with a solid 2 times weekly that becomes the occasional three or four? Then go to Birch and talk about how you’re worried about losing quality time when they have another date back in town, so you considered x y and z things and you wanna see what works for them. Talk it out. Cedar doesn’t need to be mentioned at all. It’s all about what you want your relationship to look like with each other. Then you can practice implementing that structure before Cedar comes and then you won’t feel like you’re “losing time”.

3-4 days is a lot of time to be spending together. Considering you’re both poly, it was a matter of time before you were gonna be spending less time together. I mean life can hand you anything that can affect your time together. Try to make it more about making sure the relationship is meeting your standards, and asking for what you need to make that happen.

solopoly RA

If you’re a single mom with a full life, go find a guy who can give you a fulfilling romance. This guy isn’t offering you much.

solopoly RA

This person broke up with you on your birthday. You don’t want to be friends. And you’re reluctant to show emotion during conversation because they shut down… I’m assuming you all never work anything out for that reason. You feel super anxious about talking to them because you’re afraid you won’t be heard.

So they can’t get through a convo like this with you and the thought of talking things out with them causes you stress. Because you know you won’t get anywhere. And you don’t even want to see them again.

Just in case you need to hear this: it’s okay if you don’t go. You don’t have to have this convo for their sake. Also beware of people who can’t resolve conflict, ruin special holidays, and come in and out of your life (like breaking up with you on your birthday and then scheduling a convo for closure…). I personally think this ex isn’t worth any more of your time.

I think it’s a bad idea to talk to this person. I think if you do talk to them, you should wait until you don’t care whether or not they shut down, and you’re not policing your emotions because they can’t handle it. Otherwise, I predict having this convo soon will cause you more grief than clarity.

solopoly RA

Another way you could’ve addressed this without mentioning Apple or how they felt was: “Hey the drinks you poured were really strong that day. Can you can make them lighter next time?”

And moving forward just consult Apple before you speak on their behalf. Now that you know everything they share isn’t free for you to share, don’t be afraid to ask directly: “Would you like me to say something to them about it?”

It’s really important that you care about experience working with Black skin and black skin on their portfolio!

Whiteness is a colonial project and the billionaires of color you’re referencing are in on that project. Im just repeating myself at this point but you’re talking about the fact that people who aren’t white can be rich. Which is a basic statement that everyone already knows. Whiteness—the concept and not whatever you appear to think whiteness means—is directly related to conquest and wealth, it’s the entire point of white supremacy.

I already explained how I’m not talking about ethnicity here. Whiteness isn’t an ethnicity. You don’t have the insight to carry this convo w me tbh.

Yep I lived in Korea for three years, why do you ask?

There’s wealthy people everywhere for sure. Whiteness though as in the racial category coined by the Portuguese when they created the white supremacist racial hierarchy? Which was invented and has nothing to do with ethnicity? Is directly related to colonialism, exploit, and genocide. And the billionaires we know all around the world hopped onto those colonial projects and profit by exploiting people as well. Which is why we see the Chinese exploiting land and labor in Africa right now. Idk if you and I are having the same convo.