I would follow it up with a compliment. Like "I'm not surprised. Sorry, if I over stepped."

Any response that is not anger or "well call me when you don't work out." Is fine.

The creepy or annoying aspect of this is when you try to pursue anyway, or get visibly upset/angry. Other than that it's no big deal.

Though to circumvent this you could simply ask if a woman is taken.

"So do you have a significant other?"

It says it all in one shot and the rejection isn't nearly as harsh as it could be. Lol

4 card

  1. What is known

  2. What is unknown (subconscious or hidden)

  3. What can be done

  4. The lesson to be learned.

If I need more in depth information three additional cards are laid next to the four cards, 1 for the physical aspects. 2 for the mental aspects and 3 for the spiritual aspects.

Well yeah, I mean if you grow up in a trauma filled house it starts pretty early...

But when you have the abilities at 6, it saves you from other trauma later.

Some people don't need trauma to get it though either. It's just the fast track to it really.

oh the things you could market if this became a real thing!

Nutrient alcohol...caffeine milk.

Sorry I didn't catch the joke.

Lol I've had conversations where people think this is a legitimate option for milk production...I finally get to the point where I just tell them to try it once and let me know if they'd willingly drink it daily?

Which wouldn't make it cost effective, and the amount of women volunteering to follow strict diets to produce it would be way less than one thinks, making it difficult for mass production.

You'd also have to test it every time it was expressed. We can't produce gallons at a time, so imagine testing every 8 ounces of milk, and it's only good for a day or two unless you freeze it. I forget exactly how long, but if I pumped extra for times when I had sitters it was used that day or tossed.

I would have struggled to feed my entire family milk ..lol Ex husband did try it once out of curiosity and said it tasted awful...lol so there is that too.

We have some brands that are rbgh free.

I can actually taste the difference between brands of milk so I do get the ones that claim they are free of it.

But if a woman drinks coffee, smokes a cigarette or other such stuff it enters the blood stream immediately, if you are allergic to almonds and she eats almonds the milk would be tainted for you. The way the nutrients and bad things pass to the breast milk is pretty direct. Like you have to wait and likely express the milk at least once before safely feeding a baby. Alcohol takes a full day to be safe.

Cows don't drink caffeine, smoke cigarettes or even eat almonds and such, so worries about tainted cows milk are a lot less, than some random woman's breast milk.

I breastfed both my kids. I had to be very careful about what I consumed and passed onto them.

I totally understand the other side looking greener.

I appreciate the lengthy reply!

As I suspected, I have no good advice for you because anything I would think of, you already do or it doesn't work for you.

I do believe being self sufficient is the most frugal way one can live. Not being dependent on others for basic needs also is a different kind of freedom.

I imagine if something big happens, I would struggle to even know how to butcher my own meat and it would take time to establish a good food source. Clothing would also be a struggle after time.

We should be asking you for information! But if you have certain things that you feel maybe there could be a better way that might be a better question to ask.

Mostly 1st world countries people look for frugal ways of life so we aren't as dependent on those with more money and the stress of having to work for them all the time just to eat and have shelter.

I've had mixed results in my adult years. In my you get years it was considered weird and spooky and was often asked if I knew how to curse people.

As an adult, I'm either told it's not real, it's evil or am asked for a read. Lol

Unpleasant? Not overly so...

But being a reader did save me from this crazy guy I started talking to I. A dating app. Through the conversation it became clear we would r be compatible and I tried to tell him as much nicely, he proceeded to get mad and start acting all kinds of crazy, so I asked him if he would like a reasonable as I thought it may really help him. He told me I was crazy, and all. So I told him, "well then it's a really good thing we didn't meet up then huh?" He hung up the phone with me and went in his merry way...lol

I learned very early in that I'm not going to convince people to believe any certain way, so if they do ask a few questions, I explain to them how I use tarot, and it's not at all telling the future etc. But mostly, I just smile and shrug, and tell them I know there is no proof it works, so I'm not gonna argue it with them.

Nah, I go through my dry spells with tarot because I want to, not because others think any certain way about me.

Definitely have lost people because they are Christians who thinks it's devil's work, but I lost them because of religion and not tarot.

Reading tarot was just the start of my spiritual journey...started really young, and it's been an integral part of my introspection and self knowledge.

I think I've healed too much because most of the time I just don't relate to others in the real world that well. Lol I used to think I didn't fit in because there was something wrong with me, now I feel like I don't fit in because there is something wrong with people .. 😂

It hasn't just been tarot for me, it's been everything considered taboo, or new age...ancient knowledge etc.

Well the taste isn't always pleasant ...we don't eat the same diet cows so so our milk does not taste the same ...

Nor does it even smell the same.

Lol Also, it's not FDA approved and breast milk could end up with things in it like caffeine, nicotine or alcohol if it's pumped too close to the time of consumption of these substances. So let's see how much you trust your fellow woman ...lol

I'd imagine it would be hugely expensive to produce and sell on the mass market. This is also why most mothers will go to trusted sources if they're having issues but still wanting it for their babies. Buying it randomly off the Internet isn't really safe.

I will absolutely make my presence known, or make eye contact with the child, etc.

Many times you don't even have to say anything. Just look directly at them with your phone in hand ready to make a call.

Do this for arguing couples too.

No words exchanged is safer, no way to rile them more, but they're also very aware someone is watching and willing to do something about it.

I find this amusing, because we could probably actually learn from you how to be better at being frugal.

I would need to know what kinds of things are difficult for you to either purchase or come by, to really know if I have ideas that may be helpful.

Most things I do that are considered frugal here, are probably every day things you do already.

I've learned there is a lot you can actually live without and still be comfortable.

Maybe learning to grow plants that you could make your own soaps and shampoos from? Do you make your own vinegar or catch yeast cultures for bread? I assume you already compost, but doing that instead of fertilizing for the garden? Making a rain receptacle to catch water you can the. Water your plants with?

It may seem strange, but I'm always researching ways in which the pioneers or primitive people lived and then trying to figure out if or how it can be done now.

Do you make bone needles and fishhooks? That's something I've always wanted to try, to see if I'd be any good at it.

I think you can see why I am a little bit amused. Being frugal is really just copying the survival tactics of the poor or lrhosebwith ess advanced technology.

Elizabeth Marie

Jordan Jocelyn

Rivera Desiree

Didn't have a boy, so none of those names were really discussed lol

He kept picking names of his exes...lol




Pay yourself a dollar a day.

Treat yourself to one of those things you miss when you save up enough.

If you do it daily you can see the progress and $7 a week isn't a lot of money.

Even poor people need something to look forward to or they become depressed and anxious.

Like if you save $30 bucks then when you go and do the free outing you can treat yourself to lunch, or purchase something from a fair etc.

Ok so imagine having another human being that is constantly doing something you have repeatedly asked them to stop and they don't.

But you are stuck with them 24 hours a day seven days a week ..... eventually you lose your shit. Lol

Though, it's actually healthy to sometimes have incidents like that happen because it teaches lessons about boundaries and consequences, and also if the parents are good when they're calm again they can apologize and have discussions about what those big emotions mean and how it's not ever right, but even adults sometimes have big emotions etc. Etc.

If a child never ever had to deal with someone else frustration or anger they would be very shocked when they had to deal with the world at large. Dealing with it would be a mystery and confusing.

Just remember all those parents that baffle you, are likely wishing they could be a better parent and control their emotions too.

Stress and lack of sleep are probably the biggest reason parents are less than perfect. This is why it takes a village to raise kids.

Well my skin is more prone to tanning and not burning. Naturally oily skin, and get dark enough to get mistaken as a minority rather than the white person I am.

I've only been sunburnt a couple times in my life and never bad enough to be really painful or blister, just a little peeling once my skin turned from pink to brown.

No skin cancer scares or worries. I still work out in the yard without sunscreen. Generally if I do get slightly pink it will only be once and then I just keep getting darker.

Kids are the same.

I've never purposely sat out and tanned, it's boring as heck, but I have always been the more outdoors type of kid and adult. Only takes a couple hours for a tan to start showing. I also tan in the spring and fall just weeding and mowing the lawn. Lol (wear shorts in 40° when doing physical labor or I will pass out from heat exhaustion.

My friends all had sunscreen in the 80s and mom would use it because she burns easy...super pale skin. But I'd guess it to be 50/50 for those who used it or not. Tanning oil was more common I think though.

Well I learned something new today.

Thank you for sharing.

I'm going to be reading up on the information more, as honestly I've never heard of it before. Self taught astrology through old books and many internet searches when it became available.

Could be from inheritance, if she has a chunk now sitting for college or what not it could just be a portion of the interest.

I can totally see a parent doing this. Especially after the loss of the other.

Also sounds like if she has a mini fridge and stuff, she probably does but herself treats and snacks and things that Dad doesn't buy. It's possible that $100 a week is for any extras she wants, meaning he doesn't take her clothes shopping, or buy junk food, etc. Instead he leaves that up to her to budget the money how she wants. Likely she saved up a month to get the fridge and microwave. As he said she is pretty well set up in her room...not I went and got these things for her.

I'm sorry I misunderstood then.

I thought you meant that Taurus and Gemini would be compatible?

Now I'm confused lol My bad.

I have to agree as once I looked up the statistics of marriages that lasted until death sinus part ..and Gemini and Taurus matches had the lowest rate of divorce....

I found that really interesting at the time as I was seeing a Gemini. (I'm a Taurus) I looked it up over ten years ago though, so have since lost the data for all the other signs. But basically it took real life marriage records and the birthdays of those people and counted how many actually stayed together.

I do recall being surprised that the pairs astrologers always say are compatible were higher in divorce rate than the unlikely pairs.

But that's really what made me look deeper into synastry because if all other placements are compatible and what I call cross compatible the sun signs being strange bedfellows makes perfect sense.

I rarely see synastry charts being done anymore and usually see relationship charts being drawn up. As if the relationship is its own entity..I'm not a fan.

Depends on the brand and what it can do. May be $100-$200 on the cheaper end, but you wash the pads and never buy cleaners for them. So it's a one time price tag. (Add a different mop pad for every room or two if you do cleaning all in one day)

I have the Black and Decker brand with detachable canister, in which I can use the hose to get in cracks and crevices etc. It came with a glass squeegee so can do mirrors, windows etc.

It's time consuming so only do the detail work when it's deep cleaning time, but have used it to get stains out of fabric, can get spills and dirt from carpet etc.

The mop part goes quick.

I've had mine probably going on ten years now. It has a button to pick the type of surface your mopping. Just have to be careful not to let the hot wet mop sit on the hardwood floor too long. I will often put a rag or towel underneath it to let it sit between rooms.

I struggled with the purchase because it felt so expensive, but if I do the math of how much I've saved just in cleaning solution and Swiffer replacements it's paid for itself and then some. Also it cleans wayyy better. Even better than mopping or hand washing.


A review about the deck...

It shows the cards have keywords right on them so this review says it's great for novice readers.

The art of it draws you will likely be easier to draw on intuition. As it already speaks to you.

I really hope you will get this deck and give it a go. Tarot isn't a straight this is how you have to learn it thing. If you're excited about the deck and want to use it, you will retain the knowledge better.

You can cross check with traditional meanings if you're getting stumped but the added interpretation will help round out your understanding of the cards and their messages.

Steam mop


Baking soda -instead of bar keepers friend

For dish soap I still use dawn or generic brands, because I really don't go through a lot and it's great for other uses as well, like stain removal on clothes, washing cars etc.

Laundry you can do borax and washing soda (baking soda if really in a pinch the difference is in the amount of moisture left in the granules)

Bleach and ammonia are on hand but used very rarely.

All are fairly cheap and have multiple uses.


The flowers can be used fresh in salads. Yes it has a cucumber type flavor.