Hi! Looking for feedback on this idea i have, especially the mix, which im unsure about. The chorus feels a little to "much" in terms of different sounds at once. Needing other opionions on it. Thanks!


Hi! would like to hear feedback on this mix. Pretty new to mixing in general, so just doing the basics like eq, reverb ect. Feel like the mix could be clearer, especially in the chorus. Thoughts?

Yeah actually. Managed to get into bios, and lowered the MHZ to 4600. Dont know how or why it works, but everything works as it should (Although you get some less performance from the ram i guess.)

Mixing ram speeds- DDR5 4800 MHZ with 5200Mhz?Question

Planning on upgrading my ddr5 ram from 16 gb (2x8), to 32gb (4x8). In my country the Kingson fury ddr5 5200Mhz is for some reason cheaper than the 4800 mhz one. My question is if its okay mixing my existing 4800 mhz with the 5200 mhz one? Im okay with it if the newer ram runs at the same speed as the old one, since its cheaper. Just want it to work.

Had the same opinion as you the first hours, just following the main quests, but it has really grown on me. The factions, and sidequests are really the best part of the game for me.

Starfield user reviews out. Game at a 5,2 user score average. (Metacritic)Discussion

I cant help but feel that a lot of these 1 and 0 star reviews are people that have either not played the game, only have played a couple of hours, or just like to see the game fail. I can see that the game has some flaws, which are worth criticizing, but a average of 4.5 is just mindblowing.
