It depends of what you want. You have to keep in mind that the men that would like to date you long term are a subset of the men that would like to fuck you, which means there are men that might sleep with you and be done with you. If you are ok with this possibility you don’t have to worry about this. It’s fine if you guys you fuck.

If you’d rather have a relationship, waiting a bit to have sex will help you guesstimate how values and interest in commitment. So the question becomes how long are you willing t wait + how long can he wait without losing interest. That is the sweet spot you try to find.

Im sorry but how is this the best of +R and balance methods? This is by definition a balance method.

Im afraid I wouldnt date them seriously.

Most of the boxes aren’t checked immediately either. Most of healthy boxes to check are values and life plans. And many times you meet someone that seems amazing at first but later notice they have thing you dont want in a friend or partner. Having an OF might be one of them.

Me too… all im saying is boundaries are not only sexual and she would have to accept whatever he says about whatever she is requesting. Like being home early, or if he would like to go out on the weekend or stay at home, etc.

This is a good answer, but we aware that you are setting a precedent for any request she might have for him.

I dont know how effective it will be, but the mext time an argument turns disrespectful interrupt her, tell her you are willing to work on anything that might improve your child’s life and wellbeing but you dont let anybody disrespect you like that and she can come back when she is calm and walk away

So he tells you he wouldn’t mind a threesome and you hear it is his heart’s true desire?

Those are your insecurities speaking.

NTA. It is your family and you pick the names. But i have to wonder, both kids will be name in honor of your relatives, which means the most likely scenario is you picked and your husband agreed.

And that makes me wonder, how often does your husband disagree with you in important matters? Does he usually avoid conflict in the family, work or any other setting? Is he a people pleaser? There is a chance he is not being really open about his thoughts to avoid conflict.

There is also a chance that he doesn’t really care and he just lets you pick.

I hate the over use of the word “toxic” but other than that, I agree 100% on this.

I am normally against this type of drastic answers. Not this time though I agree 100%. She seems to be looking for something else, and keeping you around for convenience.

Fidelity is not about how easy it is to sleep with someone. It is about how easy (or hard and doing it despite it) respect and care enough for your partner that you wont have sex with anybody else.

It is a little bit more nuance than my previous statement.

If you have a hobbie in common and you talk about the hobbie and set up plans to do the hobby. It is a friendship.

If he talks to you every other day and is making an effort to talk to you regulary, he is most likely interest in you. Some men might not be, but most straight men that talk to you regulary are.

Moral sense is not fixed and it changes through your lifetime. It is a very asshole thing to do to judge a person now about their attitude in the past.

All of the guys that would want to date you are a sub group of the guys that would like to sleep with you. Meaning that there are men that would like to sleep with you and men that would like to have a relationship with you and sleep with you.

So your job as a sexually proactive woman should be to wait long enough to know that the guy has a high probability of (potenitally) staying in a relationship after sex, unless you are ok with him leaving after sex.

That is why femenine energy is more subtle, you need to play a game of finesse and not force.

Forget about the labels for a second. You were too drunk and they had the worst sex of your life with you. So bad you don’t want to have sex anymore and you woke up disoriented.

It does if they are in the friend zone. A true friend is not in the friendzone and most guys (at east 95% of them) are not true friends,

A woman can't put a man in the friendzone, but she can leave him there. A man puts himself in the friendzone when he is intereseted in a woman romantically and acts as a friend and nothing else to be close to her, in the hopes of getting into a relationship.

Dude, she can not control how others behave and she is setting up limits.

Whenever someone hits on my GF it is an ego boost for me. Everybody wants hers but she choose ME!

He is right. It is for our convinience. Neutering/spaying also have negative health effects on animals; it messes the endocrine system up. But it is for our convinience, I have an spayed female cat. She lives a better life in a house with food because of that and I wouldnt be able to handle kittens every 4 months.

Yes, love should be unconditional. But someone who cheats is not loving unconditionally.

Love is not only about forgiveness is about having the other person in mind for every decision you make.

My ex-wife would left our toddler with me 90% while she went to work/hobby, while I worked from home, cleaned and took care of my son.

Not only men do this.

Women brains and sex drive doesn't likes guys do. Sex is a need for men and it is a feeling for women.

So, if she is not feeling it anymore, the question is what are you doing differently? How many dates, details and moments of connection did you use to have (and you probaby innitiated) compared to the ones you have now?

And how are you responding to her bids for connection? when she tries to tell you something, even if its gossip she is trying to connect. How are you engaging with those.

A woman's love and attraction is like a cell phone battery, you need to charge it constantly, otherwise it depletes and dies. A man's love and attraction is binary it is there until it is not there. like a rubberband, it holds as hard as it can, and is still there until the moment it snaps and then it is no longer there.

Dude, I retouch images for a living. Feel free tos end me the pictures and I can check them.

Every bodybuilder out there will tell you their muscles dont help them get girls

This raises a question and a solution for me.

  1. does this mean that you never give commands to your dog without the reward?

  2. yes the association fades, that why you charge it up regulary. ANd that is why the charging analogy works so well. You charge the mark, just as your phone then it discharges when you use it, just like your phone, and then you charged it again to have it ready to use again, just like your phone.