My (33f) husband (35) of 5 years and I have always been outdoorsy. We live in a beautiful part of the country with lots of trails for running and biking. I’ve always loved his outdoorsy-ness, but his recent obsession with cycling is starting to wear on me.

He takes long long rides with his new cycling friends, often 4 rides a week and several hours per ride. He spends lots of money on kits and other cycling gear. I started cycling with him to spend time together, which is fun, but if I suggest we do things that I like (movies, museums, a walk) he usually declines and counteroffers with a run or a ride. I like being active, but not as much as he does, and feel sad that he doesn’t do the things I like while I often do the same for him. I even have started doing vacations abroad just to cycle, or bike tour, because I’m wondering how we’ll hang out if it’s not doing some active activity that he likes.

We don’t have children yet but I worry about how present he will be if we do. Can I count on him to stay at home with me when I need him? How do you deal with this if you have a partner like it?

TLDR husband obsessed with cycling and we don’t spend time together much anymore