Just humans and dogs? Was that the only places they looked, or just the only places they found them? 

Seems very weird either way. 

Don't get me wrong, I am concerned and alarmed by this. I'm just also concerned that someone out there thinks looking for microplastics in testicles is a good way to spend their brief life on our failing planet.

hmm..Maybe they did look into it and find out what it was all about but decided not to ruin it like I ruined it 🤣😂

h, let's embark on a journey into the intricate realms of AI and mathematical analysis as they intersect with society. Despite their significance, many individuals find themselves befuddled by the enigmatic nature of these phenomena. However, fear not, for we shall navigate through this labyrinth of confusion with a sense of curiosity and determination.  

First and foremost, let's cast our gaze upon the presence of AI within the societal landscape. To some, it represents a sophisticated entity operating autonomously, while others perceive it merely as a tool at our disposal. This dichotomy invites us to ponder a fundamental question: Who truly wields authority – humanity or AI? This inquiry serves as the cornerstone of our exploration.  

Now, let us venture into the intricate realm of mathematics, where AI finds its home. Engrossed in the realm of numbers and predictions, AI's operation remains shrouded in mystery for many. Its algorithms, akin to an impenetrable swamp, leave us questioning the veracity of its outputs. Navigating through this murky terrain feels akin to traversing a fog-covered landscape with a malfunctioning compass.

Furthermore, let us contemplate the social dimension of AI's presence. Its intersection with power dynamics and political structures has ignited fervent debate among scholars and laypeople alike. Will AI serve as a catalyst for positive change or exacerbate existing tensions within society? Such questions loom large, akin to navigating a ship through treacherous waters without a clear course.  As we ponder these intricate questions, it becomes evident that the entanglement of AI, mathematics, and society presents a formidable challenge.

 Yet, in the face of uncertainty, we remain steadfast in our commitment to unraveling this complex web of interconnections. With each step forward, we inch closer to understanding the profound impact of AI on our collective existence. 

As we navigate through the murky waters of AI and mathematical analysis within society, let us remain vigilant, ever mindful of the complexities that lie ahead. Together, we shall unravel the mysteries that await us, one paragraph at a time.

The presence of AI within society prompts varied interpretations. To some, it's a sophisticated entity, while others see it as a mere tool. This dichotomy raises fundamental questions about authority and control.  

Within the realm of mathematics, AI operates, engrossed in numbers and predictions. Yet, its operations remain shrouded in mystery, leaving us questioning the veracity of its outputs. It's like navigating through a fog-covered landscape with a malfunctioning compass.  The social dimension of AI sparks debate, especially its intersection with power dynamics and politics. Will it bring positive change or exacerbate tensions? Such questions loom large, akin to navigating treacherous waters without a clear course.  

Despite the challenges, we're committed to unraveling the complexities of AI, math, and society. With each step, we move closer to understanding their profound impact on our collective existence.

Despite the perplexities we may encounter along the way, our shared curiosity and determination will guide us through this labyrinth of knowledge. 

 I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you, my companion in exploration. Your companionship on this journey enriches our shared pursuit of understanding. As we navigate the complexities of AI, math, and society, let us continue to support and inspire one another, for it is through our collaboration that we unlock the secrets of our world.

I know the video. I was whinging that someone on this podcast could see the video and not go "huh? wonder what thats about?" and not go find out. Apparently its a vulture, that they've trained to help them find thermals.

Kinda ruins it, the idea of a wild bird just stopping by for a rest is awesome. But stil hapoier to knwo what it is.

I can't imagine the pecker checker calling out a general, let alone the commander in chief.

I'm gonna assume english isn't your first language, and that maybe you dont realise what a bad job the ai did curatimg your message. 🤣😂

I do think I understand a little bit. I dont know if I share your concerns, since I can't see where the use of ai will lead us. Perhaps we will still have the opportunity to enrich ourselves beyond a ubi even after ai reolaces many jobs. Perhaps we wont.

 Thanks for replying!

I don't think I trust the paid ones with my data that I'm trying to keep on the down low, let alone the free ones 😜

I can't really afford a psychologist, so I've always had to do alot of diy stuff around my brain 😂🤣

Just a whinge- no such thing as a teaspoon of coal ep.531

There's a video of a hawk or something landing on a glider? Videos of trippy stuff like that I can get anywhere. I like the fiah podcast because they tell me what that trippy thing was.

How weird is it that someone on a show like this sees a video of a giant bird land on a paraglider and doesn't want to find out more about wtf happened?

C'mon, fish, pull your socks up :D

sure. But when the profit seeking Ai of some company finds that shortselling stocks and then causing a war makes profit, even those Amish will die.

A human might do such a thing, but they'd realise ahead of time that the war needs to be kept small enough so as not to kill everyone. The Ai would just see a pattern of the bigger the war, the bigger the profit.

Hooray! The price of oil is going up again!

Not that anyone will benefit from that, of course /s


First it made sure nobody was happy, and that they knew they weren't happy. Then it promised to fix it if we boight the product. But we can't buy all the products, so we can't get rid of the misery that they've foisted on us.

Then came the anxiety and depression, and we turned to comfort eating, substance abuse and death scrolling to escape our miserable lives chasing the dream we were sold.

So now people are unhealthy, lonely and unhappy. Our copious amounts of free time could be spent learning and connecting with our fellow beings, following and building our dreams or even contemplating and improving the human condition. No, instead we are chasing side-hustle money, instafame and mindless consumption.

People have locked themselves in this cage, and are confused and miserable about it. We're dumb and angry because of it, too dumb and angry to even realise it.

Not everyone though, and not completely. There are some people who, even if just ocxasionally, still smile at strangers, love unconditionaly, dream of the magnificent things and enjoy the  simple things. Maybe these people will save us.

In the meantime, I'll continue to feel bad for, and not hate, those poor souls who are stuck being angry and confused and enslaved to consumption. Maybe that will help stop me succumbing to the same disease.

lol. like either one of them couldn't just arrange a clean result, despite probably neither one being able to actually get a clean result. But then, this isn't about reality, just pr.

For everything besides having kids, toss a coin to get past the decisions. If you really can't accept the choice fate makes with the coin, that means you wanted the other choice more anyway.

Feeling like the future is so bleak has a silver lining in that it makes living for today much easier. It won't kill that buzz to keep planning for a less bleak future, but living for today also wont be something you regret later either.

Either way, you win. Don't sweat it too much, let the coin do the work.

Makes it easier to sell as a development lot though. If they had trees everywhere then the "offers" would be lower.

Maybe not, but subdividing it would make easy $30 million, and it wouldnt be too hard to even just sell it for a good part of that.

That's filthy rich enough for me :D

Yhough they all say "claims to have been offered" :D

They say they've been offered that much, and real estates estimate the current value to be that much. But its more.likely they've had no 50illion offer and thats just talk to keep any offers nice and high.

In 2015 amd 2016 they offered the property for sale with a range $858,000 to $945,000 but took it back off the market after a few days. Maybe they wanted to keep it, but they sound sad that the area has changed so I'd imagine they're just sitting on it until it's time to cash in.