Deep Thoughts

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You can totally enjoy the highs without the lows

The idea that suffering is a good thing because it helps you enjoy the nice parts in life is absolute crap. Which shouldn't be deep, but I've heard that crap hundreds of times and yet I don't think I've ever heard anybody actually contest it directly.

Why do so many people wish they were kids again? Because they didn't have to deal with so many of the miseries that they have to deal with as adults. They were able to have and enjoy lots of fun without having all the looming worries that often come with adult life.

If the lows made the highs more enjoyable, then life would feel extra good after you experienced terrible miseries. There doesn't ever seem to be a rock bottom where things can't get worse, so experiencing your normal life after going through suffering worse than you realized was possible should be blissful, because it would metaphorically be like going from sea level to the Challenger Deep and then coming out of those soul crushing depths to realize that your old normal is now comparibly higher than Mount Everest.

Instead, going through hell just makes life unbearable and exhausting.and going back to normal after you've been through hell over and over just makes you anticipate the next trip to hell.

Division is becoming detrimental to society and it is obvious.

It seems we are becoming divided in every possible way including but not limited to:




left vs right

and that red pill vs blue pill bs.

It has gotten to the point where those without enough information on each side of a subject can’t even ask a question to help develop a stance without being attacked. This is detrimental to future generations as it villainizes the opposing groups, limits the ability to fully understand topics, and limits the ability for collective growth through compromise and unity.

for context i’m a 21 yr old software developer that has always been an honour student and grasps concepts fairly quickly. For topics like the ones listed above, I attempt to learn by trying to limit biases and ask questions considering multiple point of views.

Our society has become so divided that i can’t even ask questions to develop my own stance without being attacked and lumped in with either side.

in my recent experience people don’t even try to teach you about their side anymore, they just attack you for not being on it and questioning it.

Why is this not an issue that is viewed with higher priority? it will affect all of us now and in the future.

Accept what is there, no real answers or reasoning are necessary when it comes to enjoy living.

I'm relieved to believe this world just is and will only be the moment where we are sentient and conscious.

There are not answers for everything, but that it just is, and I am to accept what is it enter my understanding at different memories of my life. That's what makes life worth living, that everything just is, and (for me) there's no desire to know the reason of being alive, but as a human, to accept it.

90% of life is luck

imagine if you were born in a 3rd world country with no access to clean water or electricity? i might be remembering wrong but Warren Buffet once said that the biggest factor in his success was being born in the US. that’s not to say we shouldn’t be grateful, I mean the odds of you and I even existing are 1 in trillions, but also think of all the people who have won the lottery, or social media algorithms made them famous. or the people who died in a car accident they had no control over, or a natural disaster. life can seriously turn on a dime and it’s important to treasure every moment.


I've been struggling trying to figure out what a successful life is, I was confused trying to figure how to even classify success, I think alot of people struggle with this and this is what I came up with.

I think a MAJOR part of not know what you want is that people have distractions non-stop since their a child and no major struggles besides "fitting in" or getting the approval of others. you loose touch with yourself and your subconscious mind which has a dramatic impact on your conscious thoughts and actions (weather you realize it or not).

when you stop going from one distraction to another (not saying distractions are bad, NON-stop distractions are terrible) , and focus on your approval of yourself and your life. you start thinking questions like "why do i feel like this when that happens" "why do i like/dislike this person" "what really gives me lasting happiness" and a thousand other question along that line.

That's when you start living a life that is successful to you and potential leading to long lasting happiness, but if you been going from one distraction to another your whole, those questions will most likely send you into a sprial of misery and discontent.... for a while, then you climb out of that whole and start building the life that you deem successful*.

success is not about achieving this or that, getting this or that IMO, its about the journey your choosing to go on.

In 3 or 4 generations we will be forgotten.

I remember reading about how shrines and graves are forgotten in Japan. It made me think when I die, the current family that know me will pass on a bit about me to next family generation, less on the next if they remember you. By the time the 4th rolls around those knew me are dead and nearly forgotten by the 3rd generation. 4th won’t know who you are, just a name. Soon my grave will be forgotten and overgrown with weeds, another stone in a park.

The only things that exist for you are technically whatever you see or experience right in front of you.

I don’t really know how to explain this, but it’s the theory that only everything you experience with your five senses is the only thing that exists in your version of the world. Like everything behind your head doesn’t exist and is just a void. Everything past your vision is just a void. You are really the only thing that is existing, and everything that’s being experienced by you is part of that existence.

However, once someone enters your field of view or you get imput about that person, they exist.

Trying to use this theory to help me let go of certain people and things that don’t really “matter” in the present moment. Not really sure how much farther I can explain this idea

The human species intelligence spectrum seems less like the silhouette of a cowboy hat and more like the silhouette of a forward facing baseball cap with a flat brim…

Only a very small percentage of people are smart enough to advance our species. Most humans are very, very dumb…

The world will be forced to decide if souls exist.

With the progress made in AI humanity is now faced with a dilemma. We have to ponder what it means when we are not the only thing that thinks in every measurable way. What does it then mean to be human? Is the here anything unique to us?

Free Will Does Not Exist

Life is like the 3 body problem in a way. Think about it like this. When you are born your DNA is predetermined, your location of origin is predetermined. As you grow up you passively collect what's around you. Making some things natural and others not so much. Or you are taught things or learn them later. As you gain true sentience. You know, your first memories. Your first "choices" things you enacted.

Or think you did.

Now we may not be able to precisely determine what you will do. Even knowing your upbringing, your hormones. Or brain chemistry. Or the way the wind blew at that time. Or if it was day or night or anything.

Nonetheless these things may have an impact on how you move and what you say and what you do.

And since that's the case and they were already set in motion from the birth of the first star in our galaxy. Whatever you do next is predetermined as well. Because you have no control over what you don't know. And so many external factors influence you to act that you fool yourself into believing you do.

I don't think I believe in any gods But one thing I can say is that

Only a god is free. I mean truly free

Only something outside of the wheel can truly move as it pleases.

Something that creates itself. Influences itself. And with infinite options you'd get infinite actions but then again even that's the same as nothing when you really think about it.

Sure you're "free" to create "meanings" Just as I'm "free" to disagree.

Everything to me truly seems to be predestined and this world is a hell for those it's bad too, a heaven for those it's good too. And a facade for those who choose/or are ignorant of the truth. A willful lie that staves off the inherent evil and unfairness of our shared existence. And the worse part is we do it to ourselves. To others and without others none of it would even have definition. Without a rich man you can't tell who's poor. Without those who smile we can't tell whose sad. And even then the lie is wasted on their face. We live in a melting pot of suffering sliced in halves. Some have it worse and things are not equal and some are lucky enough to be more well equipped to accept or at least live with that. And if they aren't they will pretend that's wrong. Even that's a preparation for truth. But "no matter how tender, how exquisite A LIE WILL REMAIN A LIE" but just keep on lying and maybe you'll get lucky one day.

The meaning of life is to propagate your genes

For one reason: all of the genes in your body, including those that encode for your brain (and therefore your mind) are there for the single reason that they were successful in propagating themselves through time.

In addition, the greatest lasting impact the vast majority of people will have on future generations is to produce descendants that will exist in future generations. Therefore there is an alignment of specialization and purpose.

Ethics only exist within the framework of purposeful behavior, as ethics is based on values with action as the only physical and observable carrier. Universal ethics, then, exist within the intersubjective realm of purposeful interaction, and ethical principles are discovered, not constructed.

Ethics arise from purposeful behavior because only such behavior implies values, and ethics can only exist where values are present.

Reciprocal Ethics describes the ethical realities inherent in social interactions, clarifying the ethical implications of actions within a social context. This framework reveals that ethical principles are inherent in our existence as purposeful beings, and not constructed by individual philosophers or imposed externally. By categorizing interactions as voluntary or involuntary, Reciprocal Ethics provides a value-neutral analysis applicable across different cultures and contexts, solving long-standing philosophical issues and offering a unified approach to ethical theory.

You can read the full preprint of my paper on this topic here: Reciprocal Ethics: The Formal Science of Ethics

No after life is a good after life

Every time I let my mind wanders, it comes to death and what comes after this. This thought terrifies me, mainly because every afterlife sucks in my mind.

Nothingness: No. I don't want that. I don't want my mind and memories stop existing. I don't want to stop existing. That's terrifying.

Reincarnation: I never want to never not be me. I don't want to lose my memories and the people I love. I don't want to have another mind. I don't want to forget all the wonderful things in my head. I hate that.

Eternal heaven: I can't comprehend existing forever. I can have infinite time, but I will not have infinite things to do. I will get bored. Even if eventually, once I'm content, I stop existing, that just ties back to nothingness. I can't handle it.

Someone please help me to stop thinking about this. Don't just say "just accept you can't know everything" because that's not helping. It's causing me physical pain to think about death and that everything I love will one day be gone. Don't tell me to just "stop thinking about it", because that's not working. I'm willing to start exploring different religions if that will help. Is there anything that can help with these kind of thoughts?

Technically in the Back to the Future series, only one person comes back to the future.

Marty first comes back to 1955. When he comes back to 1985, he comes back to his own present, not the future. Then he comes to the future, in 2015. He only came once, however, Doc already came, and then warned him about his kids. Then they go back to 1885, then come back to the present.

The best way to think of the world isn't a dice roll or a spinner. I think its more like a top.

The reason I think this way is that dice always have the same number of possibilities, same with the spinner. A top's different. For one, everyone was told as a kid the earth spins around like a top. Two, people with greater power can affect it, however, so many of bad conflicts cause it to end. We don't know the possibilities as much.

People always idealize and romanticize the past but never the present

People always romanticize past time periods, such as the 80s, 90s, 2000s, and pretty much every single time period, yet those time periods were never romanticized in the moment, and I'm sure the current time we live in will also be romanticized in the future. I'm sure even the pandemic will be romanticized lol.

The greatest mystery in life is life itself

What is the source of our consciousness? A trillion dollar question. Have you ever sat down and wonder where your consciousness or “soul” originated? As a religious person, you got the answer. But then arises the question, how an extremely powerful entity like god could have came into being? If you think hard, you probably get into an infinite regress, with no end in sight. If every creator has a creator, then who is the original creator?

Regardless of how you answer following questions, I personally believe we are not here without a purpose. Life is not a pure coincidence to me. So far we have looked into cosmic vastness, we have found it to be completely void of life. We are simply living on a rock, spinning around a burning star, in middle of nowhere. Out of all the planets in our galaxy, only earth is capable of supporting life. This is not out of chance. It is even hard to think of it that way. Something has caused this, which can or can’t be an intelligent creator.

There are some interesting theories. One is cosmic natural selection theory. According to this theory, our universe itself might be conscious, and its way of reproducing is giving birth to smaller baby universes. Other contending theories are that our universe might just be a giant hologram or simulation. The latter is far more appealing. If we are living inside a giant simulation, then what could really be the purpose behind its creation? Is some vicious evil scientist or entity playing with us?

Ultimately, the life itself remains the greatest mystery to be solved. We have many questions, but very few answers.

Love is such a phenomenon that the moment you make it solid, it dies.

Between two lovers, the lover and the beloved. Their relationship is very fragile, every moment changing, unpredictable; one cannot say what is going to happen tomorrow, or even the next moment. This creates fear. The unpredictability, the unknown future naturally destroys the relationship between lovers, and creates something similar to father-mother, brother-sister: marriage.

Marriage is to avoid the fear of change; marriage is to make the relationship solid. But love is such a phenomenon that the moment you make it solid, it dies. The moment you make it static, it is no more there.