I've been in a state of paralysis for most of my adult life, especially regarding career. I want to do so many things and knowing we are on limited time in one way or another makes me completely indecisive (when it should be doing the opposite). I fully acknowledge I'm being selfish by saying I want to travel the world, have long term dreams, and make my life happy when I've experienced chronic depression for most of it. My psychologist doesn't understand why I'm sabotaging my future. When I explained the reason is collapse and feeling like time is running out she more or less dismissed collapse as my generation's cold war and that we will get through just like we did before.

Most of my choices I make are short term. I want to be able to build a life for myself but the collapse of housing, the cost of living, and climate the last couple of years makes it obvious things will never return to "better times". I'm in my 30s and I feel like there's little point to doing things that will only pay off in a few decades. But on the other hand I have dreams that will only come to fruition long term if I do something right now.

Does anyone else deal with decision paralysis because of collapse? Please just tell me I'm not the only one. This is ruining my life and I am stuck in a cycle of chronic depression because I fear I'll never realise any of my ambitions or dreams. Baby boomers and late stage capitalism have literally stolen my and our futures.