Love her! πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

Oh my heart!! That's what love can do. Beautiful! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

My insurance doesn't cover estrogen, so I use Goodrx/Wellrx coupons, go wherever is cheapest, and get what they have. It varies (Dotti, Mylan, Lyllana), but usually generic. I have extremely sensitive skin and have not had any issues with the twice weekly patches, but couldn't tolerate the adhesive in the once weekly kind at all.

NTA, but it's unfair to expect her to keep the same job where she's miserable and drained, while you have your somewhat unpredictable but "cushy" one. Also, attributing her desire to stay home with your child to her friends doing so is reductive and unkind. Could it simply be that she now sees it as possible? Work together to find the best approach for your whole family. Mothers tend to bear the brunt of childcare and household responsibilities, even if they work outside the home. Honestly assess whether you pull half of the weight on that score.Β 

Some people are so weird, downvoting name suggestions. Get a hobby, weirdos! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Why, exactly, are you with him? He sounds like a second child, not a partner.Β 

I can hit it easily. I love rice, beans, potatoes, veggies of all kinds, fruit, tofu, salads with olive oil, whole grain toast with peanut butter, etc.Β 

It's not an either/or proposition. She can proceed with the divorce, if that's what's best for her, while also being honest and direct with him regarding the need for professional help. Shouldn't be too big of an ask from someone who vowed "sickness/health" not so long ago.Β 

Kennel cough is very common, especially among dogs in congregant settings like daycare, parks, shelters, and boarding. She's already on treatment, and should recover quickly.Β 

Even without what is essentially a cold, it's advisable to keep a newly adopted dog out of dog parks and away from other dogs initially, as they acclimate to their new home. Kennel cough is a respiratory bug that's transmitted through airborne droplets. Walking a leashed dog separately wouldn't put the whole neighborhood at risk.Β 

I wouldn't be put off from adopting her in the least by a cold that is already being treated.Β Β 

  1. Look into higher paying jobs or a part-time second job.Β 

  2. Shop around to see if you can save on your insurance.Β 

  3. Track every single nickel you spend for a month and be ruthless about what can be done more cheaply or eliminated. (My cell is Metro unlimited for $25/month, no cable, only Hulu with ads Black Friday 99 cents per month deal, etc.)

  4. Buy ingredients for simple meals and make them at home. No takeout, convenience foods, or splurges. Take your lunch to work. If you drink coffee, make it at home and carry it. No bottled drinks. I used to buy Diet Pepsi years ago til I tallied all my 7-11 purchases where I'd stop to buy a cold soda and usually grab a snack. Shocking how much money I wasted without realizing. Always shop sales and stick to a list. No browsing.Β 

  5. Open a savings account, throw everything you can at it, and leave it alone.Β 

  6. For vet medications, never fill them at the vet except in emergencies. Always go to an outside pharmacy for a much better price, and call Goodrx for a coupon that's valid for vet scripts if the medication is also used for humans.Β 

  7. Pet food is often on sale, or can be purchased during Chewy promotions where you spend a particular amount and then get a gift card toward your next purchase. I stock up when prices are good, buy the required minimum, and then place a second order using the gift card balance. I also check prices on Amazon and when there's a good deal (for pet food or supplies, shampoo, toothpaste, etc), I set it up as a subscription to get a further discount.Β 

  8. Look around for rooms for rent to get an idea of the going rate where you want to rent.Β 

For me, it felt like I was catching fire from my middle section up to the top of my head, like a wave. When they started happening, it was sudden and the flashes would happen all day long. It was very noticeable, as my chest, neck, and face would suddenly flush and I'd break out in a sweat everywhere, with beads of it popping up on my upper lip. Good times! πŸ˜‚

I'm wondering if it's an Amazon policy change, after all the craziness about what it can do. I think they tightened up on things like aquarium antibiotics like fish zole for the same reason, as people were taking them.Β 

It's still very expensive, and I worry that I'll forget to cancel in time.Β 

YTA for involving your kids or doing it in front of them. That is their mother, and no matter what transpired between the two of you, your kids' world was obliterated. It's insensitive and unnecessary.Β 

I love how amazed she is that they won't dance on demand. Her tone is infuriating.Β 

Wet, cooler than average spring in many growing areas.Β 

Ivermectin works like a charm. It's harder to get since the pandemic, though. I used to buy it on Amazon, but no more.Β 

I agree completely. My dogs have never let me down. My daily routine revolves around them, especially as they get older, so their absence is crushing. πŸ’œ

No one has ever asked me, because they know I've probably already picked up a litter of fosters. No one is replaceable, so I pour my grief into someone who needs help. I'm honestly afraid to come home to a quiet house. Not in terms of safety, but because my dogs are my whole world. πŸ’œΒ 

Do whatever is right for you in your own time.Β 

I don't consider NYX to be cruelty free, as their parent company is not. To me, having a few subsidiaries that claim to be cruelty free is a way to have their cake and eat it. Ultimately, it's L'Oreal that profits, and I don't support companies that do testing. So many great options that are genuinely cruelty free that I don't waste a minute on companies like this.Β