Hi, are you using the brand name prescription for the HRT patch? May I ask why?

Some more information-

I am currently using the brand name after having some issues like redness on skin where patch was applied and my joint pain symptoms were worse as well. However the first time I tried the brand name was also the higher estrogen level. I went from .025 to .05 to .1 and started using the brand name at .1.

The brand-name prescription is much more expensive than the generic. Do you feel that you need the brand name? Why do you like it better?

I am trying to figure out if I should give the generic a try again.

The generic is less than half the cost of the brand-name.

Thank you!!

Edit: I have had better results with brand name Vivelle Dot .1 patch. I am considering switching off patch to femring. Search this thread for more info on femring. Seems that some individuals find at the end of two months it is less effective. Looking for any input on your experience with femring. Thanks!