I slept in my contact lenses all the time and used Rhoto eye drops to combat the daily dryness. It's my fault as I have been able to think about it more. I threw my life away but I can't still see in doors with less issues that UV daylight. I have to deal with this for the rest of my life....and then however I die will be a great relief whenever my time comes.

I'm watching it 7 years later. The show is very lazy writing. Especially in terms of researching the military hierarchy/formality that shows like Star Trek which they are clearly emulating. Seems like they are treating "sir" as a formal ranking term. It's clearly not and never has been. It's never established in the show before they started calling Alara Kitan "sir" when she temporarily took the role of captain for one episode.

The show has it's moments but it's just incompetent research/writing.

Having the same problem with that emulsion. Nothing works.

I have tried everything. That company/product has gotten a bunch of bad reviews and seems to be the only emulsion you can get on Amazon.

I'm going to try the stuff from Blick. I think it's called Ulano.

I'll let you know if it works.


I am a 40 year old male.  I am suffering from a worsening health condition involving my vision.  Over the last couple of years I have become increasingly sensitive to light and glare resulting in the inability to drive at night or during the day.  I have been to several doctors, ophthalmologists, and neurologists.  None of whom can determine the cause of my severe photophobia.  I do not have any cataracts, glaucoma, or any other eye related diseases/conditions that would contribute to my sensitivity to light. My brain scans are also unremarkable. Bloodwork is normal as well. My actual vision is not poor in terms of blurriness but the sensitivity to glare and nighttime driving is unmanageable.  It is not only the intensity of light but the size of the glare that completely obstructs my vision.

I currently live with my parents who are in their mid 70's. I am full capable of working indoors primarily and outdoors on cloudy days. As previously mentioned I am unable to drive. My highest level of education is an MFA. I know this is a small community but I just wanted to share my condition in the hopes that someone could help me figure out what to do next. I am no longer interested in trying to cure whatever is happening to my eyesight. I simply want to figure out how to survive at this point.

Thank you.

I live with my parents. I am 40 years old, unemployed, and my parents are in their mid 70's.

This is hell.

gotcha, thanks.

sometimes MTG Arena has a few errors. just wanted to make sure.

MTG arena question. Traumatic Prank.

I used Traumatic Prank on Swooping Lookout with Infested Fleshcutter attached to Lookout. When I attacked with Swooping Lookout it created a 1/1 colorless Phryxia Mite for my opponent rather than me. There are no enchantments nor was there any instances/sorceries played (except for Traumatic Prank) during this turn.

I've used Traumatic Prank on cards like Professional Face-Breaker and when I have control of Professional face-Breaker it makes a Teasure Token for me so why didn't I get a 1/1 coloreless Phryexian Mite when I took control of Swooping Lookout? I've also used Traumatic Prank on Consuming Blob and it used my graveyard to determine the creatures power and toughness instead of my opponent's graveyard.

My theory is that while I took control of a creature, I did not also get control of the equipment that was attached to said creature. Is this correct?


Ah, gotcha. New to MTG. I didn't think enchantments were considered to have abilities like a creature does.

The vigilance thing doesn't matter. I've used it on creatures with vigilance and they tap away never to tap again.

And doesn't understand that vigilance, by itself, doesn't matter to waterknot. But, yes they understood what Elesh's does better than me.

Thanks for the snarky comment.

I'm new to MTG and just made this deck. I didn't think that enchantments were considered to have abilities the same as creatures. My mistake.

I've had my turn skipped like once a day the last couple of days.

I took a screenshot of the boardstate, but I can't attach it to this reply.

Is there a way I can send it to someone at MTG who would be able to resolve /explain what happened?

Mine is combined with a neurological condition called "Visual Snow". basically I see the world through a film of primacolor static. its easy to ignore unless its very bright in a white room or i look anywhere near the sky on a sunny day. Along with this condition is repeating after images. Also, any metal reflection, bright light, screen, reading for more than a few minutes, watching TV...even with really dark sunglasses I still have difficulty driving or doing any work. I have tried everything. My life is over. Thank you for the reply though. Unfortunately, my condition is extremely severe. Everyday is agony.

There is no cure and no one ever gets any improvement for their sensitivity. I have an astronomically severe form of this problem. I can't drive anymore. I am 40 years old, I live with my elderly parents now as a result. My life is over. You're friend just learned to use a variety of sunglasses but it will get worse. Tell him to start praying, it will get worse.

I have SEVERE photophobia.

The night is worse. Headlights, street lights, neon signs, etc are basically the light insensitity equivelent of a dying star.

God please help me, my life is over because of this horrific condition. I can't drive at night or during the day anymore. Every other thought I have planning my suic1de. Please someone help me.

Same here but the pain was in my right eye.

My photophobia has destroyed my life. I can't drive myself anymore. I am 40 years old. I had to move back in my elderly parents. My life is over. God help me.

I have those glasses. I believe the color is call FL-41?

While it is tinted, it didn't help me much at all. My photophobia is one of the most extreme. I can't drive myself around anymore at this point. I'm 40 years old. My life is over. God please help me.

I've been to many doctors. There is nothing anyone can do other than rose tinted sunglasses and I guess staying away from harsh lights.

My photophobia is so extreme now that I can't drive myself anywhere. I'm 40 years old. I had to move in with my elderly parents. My condition is getting exponentially worse every couple of months. My life is over. God help me.

I noticed my photophobia around 2015ish. It had snowed the night before so I decided to go for a nice walk the next day. I used to be able to go for runs in the snow on a sunny day with no problem about a year prior. But when I went for a walk this time I couldn't look at the bight white snow. I didn't think much of it because the average person has difficulty with that as well. Also, I chalked it up to aging so I figured it wouldn't be a significant problem until I got much older. I was very wrong. Around 2020 is when I really started to see a dramatic change in light tolerance. I also started to see something called "Visual Snow" which is a neurological problem. One of the symptoms is photophobia. Now it's 2023 and it's WAY WORSE than it was in 2020. I can't drive myself around anymore. I'm 40 years old and I had to move back in with my parents. I've been to many doctors who all say the same thing pretty much..."good luck". There weren't mean about it but there is nothing anyone can do for me. My life is over. I planned my suic1de for around April after I see the final doctor, a neuropathologist, who is going to tell me the same thing. It's getting worse, there is no cure...."good luck".

so the episode where they say they've had him on the show before is what you seem to think is the first time he's been on the show? interesting.