Magic: The Gathering

r/mtg188.3K subscribers122 active
Community feedback post - come talk about your ideas!
  • Sidebar update:
    • A rule and a report reason (mostly a placeholder)
    • A list of other communities to visit
    • Resources to use: two subs for rules questions
    • Post flairs: "Welp Wanted", "Discussion" and the editable "Other"

Hi everyone!

Let me introduce myself: I'm a new mod.

Anyways, now that this is out of the way let's get to business. There was recently a call for moderator action. This got us thinking about what the community needs and wants. There are currently three principles that we follow:

  1. No violating Reddit's Terms of Service or sitewide rules
  2. No content that is not Magic-related
  3. Team has as little involvement as possible*

These three principles will stay. The sub will remain as open as possible. We can build on top of these. There are other subs that have stricter rules [enforcement] and if that is more your cup of tea we suggest you try those subs out, too!

However! As mentioned before there was a call for more involvement from the team. This is where you come in:

What would you like to see the team do?

General discussion, concepts and guidelines, please. Keep real life examples to a minimum in order to avoid needlessly going on unrelated tangents. This post is not intended to be a political forum, rather, a brainstorming session.

We wish to retain the open atmosphere here, which means there won't be strict rules nor will there be strict rules enforcement. This doesn't mean we let the sub go haywire. This does, however, mean that the power is yours! Reddit's guidelines suggest that downvoting is intended as a tool to hide irrelevant information. It's widely used as a sign of disagreement but remember that if a post or a comment gets enough downvotes it gets hidden. Use this to your advantage.

Most egregious cases that aren't caught by the extensive filters we have in place should still be obviously reported. On top of that you're also always welcome to approach us via modmail. (There's currently a bit of backlog so bear with us.)

Thank you for reading and looking forward to your opinions and ideas!

Pinnedby MustaKotkaModerator
Uhh guys?Spoiler
The assassins creed packs being 7 cards is insane

That’s it that’s the post 7 cards INCLUDING A POTENTIAL LAND for a pack that is most likely gonna cost the same price per pack as a regular pack being insane is the entire post that is all