No toploader. Ima frame it tho, gonna buy the Frame Tomorrow

Its as you say: they are regular cards printed onto a 100 Card sheet, but instead of beeing cut, they just took the sheet and gave it away. In theory you could cut them, but good luck doing That, there are no indicators for cutting lines or sth like it and the sheet is worth more than the sum of its parts usually, because of the rarity.

Beeing a birds of paradise is still pretty good tho

Friday, i think thats the only time this specific tournament is held this weekend

Nah, they just had the Thing unrolled, gave it to me and were like „bye bye“

I remember faintly, but im not hugely into finance and bling, im More of a player than a collector, so i might have missed most of it

I wouldnt know how to Price it, so i didnt think about selling at all. Plan is currently to frame it and hang it onto my wall

I rolled it up very carefully and then put it onto a table to straighten it again, photo was taken at the hotel on the table

I mean, it is a fully printed 100 cards on mtg Foil premium cardstock, they have mtg backs as well, if you COULD cut them they were cards, but i Just assumed an uncut sheet would be worth more than the cards on it, because of its rarity, right?

Thing is: it doesnt really seem like they usually do. I cannot find any traces of another mh3 sheet like that on the web, im kind of stunlocked since i received it