Place my copy of Zelda 1 and Zelda 2 on my eyes like coins for the river stix. The rest my brother will enjoy or donate

Jedi I got your number Luke was in 8675309

(0 has to be the Christmas special)

I'll see myself off

12 😭 Three of them were for my significant others over the years.

Dodge Omni


Two crx




Two Grande Prixs


Del Sol


I also hate driving I'd rather walk everywhere

I just want nuclear winter to come back

Vault suit definitely

Power armor given the picture 100%

Maybe some minutemen's outfits

I'm hoping for a ghoul 🤞

A supermutant would be amazing

Maybe a mode where a bunch of ghouls are chasing you

I'm a fallout Fanboy but I know I'm going to actually play fortnite again to collect the skins

Factual information.

Welcome to the wasteland one of the friendliest places on the planet

I think this is a you thing. I text all kinds of people "what are you up to?" all the time. It's how I check to see if you're busy or have a couple of minutes to spend chatting.

I'm not there going "what are you doing there? you yes you what are you doing? what's that in your hands?

It's more of a hey are you busy? I was thinking about you and I wanted to chat.

I can build a $500 gaming PC already so what would be the point? Just make Xbox a software package at that point

You would then be able to come back to r/gunpla and post that for all the upvotes.

As someone whose work would text them every single time they had time off, no. I've done your time I'm on mine now. Once you realize you get punished for being good at your job you stop answering.

I never thought I'd want to watch a spin-off about a tire store and yet here I am wishing for a Georgie spin-off

This pleases my soul in an entirely nice way. Thank you for this pleasant and peaceful gift.

I remember in the '90s everyone talking about retiring to Florida. They're now retiring here, 49 other states worth of people are retiring here. Traffic grows daily. Everything is expensive. It's absolutely beautiful here though so if you want to retire to endless Summer it is the place to be. Keep in mind every state has its own challenges.

I've been playing pirates outlaws. It's a fun mindless adventure card game


We fight in the Milky Way

I think my friends and I drank every can in New Hampshire

Vegeta and he'll fight anyone who says otherwise