Acacia yields this every time in my experience

Good luck making carts with this stuff. Otherwise it's great

Try to find a place with fibre optic specified, it's usually doable. You can just ask the hosts on a place how the wifi is and as long as they don't have reviews mentioning bad internet they're probably telling the truth if they say it's good

I mean there are tons of full time react developers. Would t that be a web dev?

I myself and split between react and backend stuff

My VPN service went down so I had to quickly buy a new one and configure the router to connect to it. I turned off the block nonvpn traffic switch while doing this and forgot to turn it back on. The next day I got an email from the security team saying that they have alerts of me signing in from unauthorized locations, and asked me to confirm these and asked for an end of travel date. Also letting me know they don't see a travel ticket for me.

I told them I use a VPN for security reasons and had to switch servers, and this must be a glitch related to that. I turned the switch back on and asked them to let me know if they see it again. They told me it could possibly be related to the VPN, and asked me to provide details of what VPN I use. Which I did and they never wrote back.

I actually flew all the way back to the US immediately, the next day (this happened Friday afternoon) in case I would get investigated or something. But nah they never responded past that second email

My company used to be all in office. Then during COVID they went remote like so many, which is when I got hired. So I've never been in the office. Lots of people moved out of state and settled down in new places since becoming remote. I don't see how they could call people back at this point. One guy actually moved to Canada, and bought a house there.

No but this post made me smile you really love your cat 😻

You could, potentially, request to be buried with your cash

You sound like a little bitch

I'm able to use my static IP service IP with the company vpn no problem

I use a dedicated residential IP service from VPNArea

I ran the blacklist test on it from and every single one is clear

However the website does list it as being from a data center

It hasn't raised any flags at my company of a couple thousand people, but I don't think we have extensive IT security measures in place really

Super smash bros ultimate.

Just feels great to beat up the computers with a character you've mastered. Easy wins. Mindless relaxation

Online/competitive play is something else completely

The point wasn't to invalidate, but to specifically highlight the value of the idea mentioned at the end of the post, extracting mescaline

Yeah but San Pedro is super expensive. And dealing with a cactus is extremely different from dealing with tree bark. You can buy powdered cactus but still, you're gonna be paying like 30 dollars per dose vs like idk a dollar or less for DMT

I feel like synthesizing DMT is pointless as it's so easy to extract, but learning to synthesize mescaline would be a super ultra useful skill. I have thought about that but have no idea what would be involved with synthesizing anything


They'll deliver you a whole ass gallon of perfect lab grade heptane that smells amazing (as far as chemicals go) for like 50 bucks

It seems like the answer most of you come up with is👻

Appreciate that, though actually considering what you said and a couple other things I've decided to go to Cordoba instead. So don't think I'll make it to Arequipa this year, if plans change though I'll come back and find this thread and hit you up