I am aware of the guide to VPNs and it is awesome. Thank you for this.


After reading the above guide I was thinking of going with "Option three" and set up a server at my relative's house to be most secure.

However, lately I've been getting promotion offers in my email for NordVPN dedicated IP service. From what I have researched it is good for adding your IP to a database whitelist so you can work from abroad.

However, how competent would an IT team have to be to detect a NordVPN dedicated IP? The company I work for is not some Fortune 500 giant.

It is a dedicated IP afterall so wouldn't it be more difficult to detect than an IP you share with 1000 other people? If not NordVPN, is there a place that will sell me a residential IP that is not compromised and safe?

I will do option 3 from the guide on VPNs if I have to, but I would rather not trouble my relative if I can help it.

Thanks in advance.