Will look into Torguard. Thanks.

Do you know of any dedicated IP services that would not appear as a datacenter? Maybe selling residential IPs?

What are some good providers that will rent out "static residential" IPs? Thank you.

NordVPN Dedicated IP?Question

I am aware of the guide to VPNs and it is awesome. Thank you for this.


After reading the above guide I was thinking of going with "Option three" and set up a server at my relative's house to be most secure.

However, lately I've been getting promotion offers in my email for NordVPN dedicated IP service. From what I have researched it is good for adding your IP to a database whitelist so you can work from abroad.

However, how competent would an IT team have to be to detect a NordVPN dedicated IP? The company I work for is not some Fortune 500 giant.

It is a dedicated IP afterall so wouldn't it be more difficult to detect than an IP you share with 1000 other people? If not NordVPN, is there a place that will sell me a residential IP that is not compromised and safe?

I will do option 3 from the guide on VPNs if I have to, but I would rather not trouble my relative if I can help it.

Thanks in advance.

Do you know if these new formulas exist in Google Sheets?

I've decided on purchasing Microsoft 365 btw. Thanks!

I've settled on getting the annual subscription for Microsoft 365.

Just out of curiosity? Do any of these new advanced formulas exist in Google Sheets as well?

If so, Excel 2016 must be a dinosaur at this point. Thanks for the insight!

I guess I will be needing Microsoft 365 then. Thank you for the prompt reply!

Excel 2016 vs newest Microsoft (Excel) 365?Discussion

So I'm ready to take the deep dive concerning Excel and data analysis, but would I be hindered at all if I used Excel 2016 instead of the newest one from Microsoft 365?

Would it be hard to follow the latest tutorials using Excel 2016?

Would certain functionality like data visualizations or anything else be missing with Excel 2016?

I ask because I already have Office 2016 and would prefer not having to pay a yearly subscription for 365.

Thanks in advance!

Is Excel 2016 enough or do I need Office 365?Data Tools

I already have Microsoft Office 2016.

Do I need Office 365 to do professional analyst work or is Excel 2016 enough?

Will I have a hard time following tutorials with Excel 2016?

Is Office 365 and the annual subscription that comes with it unavoidable?

Thank you in advance!

Is Excel 2016 enough or do I need Office 365Tools

I already have Microsoft Office 2016.

Do I need Office 365 to do professional analyst work or is Excel 2016 enough?

Will I have a hard time following tutorials with Excel 2016?

Is Office 365 and the annual subscription that comes with it unavoidable?

Thank you in advance!

Excel 2016?
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Crypto "long-term" gains was my only income - still file?

According to what I have read, "long-term" capital gains made on Bitcoin or crypto have a 0% tax rate when capital gains are under $44,625 for the year.

My small capital gains for Bitcoin in 2023 were less than $2,000 and all long-term. So I owe no Bitcoin taxes.

I also did not work at all in 2023 and have no w2 or other income sources.

So this puts be well below the general $13,850 federal filing threshold.

Since I do not owe any bitcoin taxes and am below the federal filing threshold, do I still need to file a federal tax return?

I'm being cautious about this because maybe the government wants even my small bitcoin transactions reported on a federal return.

Thank you!


Thanks, that makes sense. So I assume you are saying it's better to have the blog entry there in "Experience" than have the huge gap between 2019 - 2022.

Of course limit the bullet points to maybe 2 explaining monetization strategy rather than the 5 bullet points I have now that mention things like wordpress theme dev.

Resumes - Experience section

resume "Experience" section:

From 2012-2019 I worked steadily as a LAMP stack developer.

Between 2019 - 2022 there is large employment gap where I started a wordpress blog and generated enough affiliate sales to survive.

Currently, I am a MERN stack developer and never thought to put the blog I started on my resume since wordpress blogs have nothing to do with the LAMP (my previous stack) or MERN stack (my current stack).

Recently, a recruiter told me this gap between 2019 - 2022 looks bad and I should add the blog I started during that time.

So in the "Experience" section I added this blog with a title of "Founder/Owner" and it has job bullet points like:

  • Utilized Semrush for keyword research and article optimization.
  • Custom wordpress theme development using Sass.

I thought everything looked ok.

However, since I've made this addition to my resume, no one has contacted me for interviews in 5 weeks.

Before this change, I was averaging 1 or 2 interviews per week.

Considering my whole career I have been a LAMP/MERN stack developer, does putting this wordpress blog I started under "Experience" hurt my resume?

That blog entry under "Experience" is towards the top and might have prospective employers immediately dismiss me once they see "Wordpress."

rem - explicitly set root?
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View Transitions API look amazing. Too bad it's "experimental."

Thanks for the heads up! I did not know about "View Transitions."

Yeah, I have familiarity with Next.js for SEO, but it doesn't apply in this case. TY!

React for page animations on a static site?

I want to build a single-page application that does page animations when doing page transitions.

I am very familiar with React so I would love to build this using:React, React Router, Framer Motion Library.

However, the content for the site is static and I have no use for hooks like useState, useEffect, etc.

Would using React for this purpose be too heavy of a solution?

I can't make a traditional website with multiple pages because an entire web page has to reload for every navigation link change making the user experience jagged and not smooth like React.

I really want to stick with single-page applications.

Is there a lighter, more ideal solution than React out there?

Thanks in advance!

Ty. The default for "Keep Aspect Ratio" is off by default. That's why the GBA was full-screen.

When I turn "Keep Aspect Ratio" on and load up Tekken for PSX, the image has huge black areas on the sides. With "Keep Aspect Ratio" off (default), PSX games have a slight black area at the top and botttom whereas GBA takes up whole screen.

Is there something I'm missing? I can't get PSX games to take up the entire screen area even with "Keep Aspect Ratio" on.

Are you using Garlic OS?

Yes, I am. Ty for the tip!

RG35xx - GBA is my favorite

I got the RG35xx thinking I would be emulating a lot of PSX games: metal gear, tekken, gran turismo, etc...

However, PSX games don't take up enough of the viewable screen area which is disappointing and the main reason I stopped playing PSX games on the RG35xx.

Fortunately, I have absolutely fallen in love w/Gameboy Advance games: metroid, castlevania, golden sun, dr mario, etc...

I never owned a GBA as a kid or did much mobile gaming back then so this completely took me by surprise.

What is it that makes GBA games on the RG35XX so good?

Is it the aspect ratio that fits the viewable area perfectly?

What's your favorite system/console to emulate and why?


Just double checking: we are talking about:

Streams API:

I will see about "pairing this with Edge Functions" as you mentioned earlier.


Ty. Do you know if the free version of defer has a timeout on API requests?

you can take advantage of streaming!

The API I am making a request to is deepai.org for image generation and their is no mention of streams API in their docs.
Upon success, the API sends me a string URL of the generated image and I update the Next.js <Image /> component.
So all I'm getting is just a URL string and there is nothing to stream like Chat GPT which has huge amounts of text in the response.
Am I missing something?

webhook for the server to respond back when it is done with the task

Unfortunately, no it is not stream-based. It is text to AI image generation.
The API sends me back a URL of the generated image and I update the Next.js <Image /> component.
I don't have access to their servers so writing a webhook on their end to hit one of my endpoints once the image is generated is not possible.
Am I understanding you correctly on how to use webhooks?