Unsure if this is a Scorpio thing so much as it is a “shitty guy” thing

If he was your real priority he’d never be hot and cold with you though. Respectfully. As a Scorpio.

? wtf are you talking about, are you high? Of course you’re allowed to have your opinion but you’re being awfully emotionally triggered and aggressive against someone who legit was like “eh that hasn’t been my experience.” What is your problem dude? I’m sorry people aren’t running around like chickens in fear of some random remote fear? Lol Vietnam doesn’t need fucking crybabies like you, go back to wherever you’re visiting from. If everyone had your mindset they’d never go outside let alone win wars. Enjoy living in fear while the rest of us continue along with our normal abilities to emotionally regulate instead of playing the victim like you

Crime happens everywhere my dude, HCMC is very safe compared to a lot of major metros. Idk why you’re being so antagonistic though, other people are allowed to have a different experience than you and not live in fear of getting stabbed in a bizarre prostitution love triangle

2 of the companies I worked for were public and the other 2 were unicorns…… again: I’m not sure what you get out of discouraging others other than to spread your obvious misery but your experience is not universal. HOW DOES EVERYONE ELSE DO IT THEN GENIUS??? Like everyone figured it out but you so we must be doing something right 🤣🤣🤣 keep doing it wrong then, you have zero business giving advice on this sub or commenting since you have nothing to add

Sure it happens dude but it’s incredibly rare is what I’m saying. Keep sitting around and whining about it while everyone else keeps living their best lives, you sound miserable

Welp I guess everyone else is clearly the exception 😂 i feel lucky I’m not you!

You weren’t using the tools correctly if you were encountering THIS many issues. You couldn’t figure out how to shut off location services or change the time to your home location….? Like sir… of course you got caught, those are the most basic things.

Been DNing as a lawyer for 4+ years now, at 3 different companies full time, different countries every month, and my home router setup has worked just fine, I use my company vpn without any issues at all, and we do use zscaler as well. Idk seems like plenty of people in this sub have figured it out and you just haven’t yet?

Do you happen to remember the cost? I was looking into airalo a few years ago but the cost was prohibitive, I have heard it’s been improving though.

Well have you seen the weight she puts on her ankles and knees? She needs the support. She can pretend to be a dainty queen all she wants but she has the body of a 50yo with severe metabolic syndrome.

His kids are going to grow up and have a rude awakening when they have to listen to other people “order them around” lol

Your post history also shows you took 2 YEARS off from your start up, so don’t make it seem like you’re grinding your knuckles to the bone. You’re just upset someone with half a brain saw through your bullshit- any judge would too. Stop acting like a victim when this is 100% a situation of your own creation.

EDIT: ok so if the nanny is necessary to help with your child’s learning disability then why are you complaining that you had to hire one as if she was a luxury that your wife demanded? Don’t weaponize your handicapped daughter sir

Welp what did you expect, for your exploitation to only go one way? You wanted to take advantage of a less fortunate woman to be your bang maid and nanny and you’re upset she flipped the script on you? I highly doubt things are panning out as you say based on your description alone.

“I won’t go into detail” mmmm because they don’t fit your narrative of being a victim?

EDIT: Per OP’s history she doesn’t even have a permit to legally work in the US. So which is it, she refuses to work or she legally cannot do so?

Also, per your prior post, you don’t live a life of luxury, you live in a rented apartment and you can only afford to eat out twice a month. Not a lavish lifestyle. Who cooks for you in the meantime? Her? Oh.

And you have a failing start up which you can focus on 7 days per week because… your wife deals with everything else. Oh.

Kinda starts to look like the kind of marriage community property laws were literally designed for. To help the spouse whose contributions are undervalued in the marriage, despite them indirectly contributing to your “successes” (if we can call them that).

Get divorced but yeah you wont squirrel out of paying your FAIR SHARE.

I mean even MAGA crazies would look at her and think “this woman is unstable.”

She doesn’t want friends, she wants an internet hugbox of “fans”

2.5 years is better than 3 years, 5 years, or 10. It’s a blessing he told you!

That’s what happens when you are sugar to EVERYTHING. I ordered a fresh coconut and caught the vendor adding sugar to the coconut after cutting it open!!! It’s too much!!! Cut it out!

These are dangerously close to Tragedeigh territory lol

The amount of people in the plastic surgery sub asking if they should get buccal fat removal when they have PERFECTLY NORMAL CHEEKS is so scary. It’s crazy what seeing stuff online does to people

I have 2 phones, one for work and one for personal. Work phone only connects to my travel router. Not commercial vpn as those are obvious to an IT team. Work phone has location services turned off all the time. This is what I use for 2FA, not just for work but with my bank etc

Personal phone I do whatever

Lmao imagine living a life THIS miserable 😅 get help my dude you’re bothered over other people living their lives

Let him wallow. He’ll pull himself out of it eventually. Check in from time to time and make sure he knows you’re there for him, be there for him to vent, but don’t probe too much