Monkey in Space

I used to like ugly girls but now I'm scared one of them might have a penis. πŸ₯²

Poor take. Women find me very attractive. I've had drinks bought for me. I make the family and parents happy. Always got cheated on for some lowlife deadbeat loser. I can bench 180, my financed are stable, no kids, people love me but it's not enough. Don't try to say it's my personality either, women have roped me into being a side peice time after time because they're waiting for God knows what on the horizon.

I think the answer is, "women are fickle creatures"

They're like fairies. You think you have one in a bottle until it disappears and you blame yourself. If you're actually a good dude with your life together, it's not your fault bro. Eventually you will find one that sticks around

Another clown joins the circus. 🀑πŸŽͺπŸ¦πŸ‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ΅πŸŽ‰

Sorry for getting so defensive. You didn't deserve that and I can be hateful sometimes.

You probably think ass to mouth is acceptable if your partner "cleans up" first. πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

Women never want to do it when they're sweaty. Girl give me that sour monkey juice πŸ’€

I really liked the idea but most people who do are dirty, have families (kids and a lover), like drama, are mentally unstable, the list goes on. It's not like the 70s where people would smoke some weed and swap wives and actually go home happy, these people are deranged, and they scare me lol. "Look 90% of people have herpes it's not that serious." πŸ₯² "Yeah my man is stationed in the navy. My dad is a navy man too. Want to come over so I can braid your hair?" 😒 "Oooh I'm about to get married but I feel like we were meant to be! What's your moon sign?" πŸ’€ swear to God that last one happened. I was shocked because we really did click well, but she never wore her ring, the whore.

If you like hooking up, become immune to the mental toll it will take or you will be consumed. 90% of the time it isn't just a fling, you're a side peice and that shit is depressing. I just wanted freinds I could hang out with and also creampie but the world had other plans.

You're 100% right. They clowned on him about the 100k In the bank comment, but she also said he lives with roommates. "Men shouldn't flex and be humble when women deny you." Lol he said shut your broke ass up and it's a problem.

However, that niggas energy makes me extremely uncomfortable πŸ˜• I thought he might swing on one of them πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

"There are good ones out there"

Dude in the show 90% of the women are being assholes to the dudes and harshly judging them immediately. Shut up

"He has second child syndrome bad" "He craves the attention of an older male model."

"He wasn't self aware enough to understand his behavior" but when you got him drunk he was comfortable explaining what he knew clearly bothered you? Your problem is that he won't stop.

I didn't say you needed to be his friend. You can't even respect his struggle and give him space. It's not about you but you're still offended. You don't look at him when he ignores you and go "damn that's sad" you really think to yourself "He's doing it again! I don't want to be your friend away!" Childish as hell.

"He almost seems jealous of me" because you're taking his big brother away? Clearly he's fucked in the head and you being a crybaby about it isn't going to help anyone. You said you're avoiding him, I hope you aren't talking shit about him to people. Not everyone can magically heal through trauma princess.

Why men don't open up to women 101 πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ "I don't take as much offense." Didn't he tell you the problem but you're still offended? Damn shame

Monkey in Space

Alt account, troll, or dumbass. Back to the circus with ye 🦁πŸŽͺπŸ€‘πŸ΅πŸ‹β€β™‚οΈπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Monkey in Space

Ok dummy. I keep laying everything out in front of you and you don't get it. You still haven't even looked into it. Peterson is still a whiny crybaby to you. What a fucking dickhead lmfao πŸ’€

Monkey in Space

Vancouver is stealing billions from citizens.

They posted a "do your part" sticker in public, mocking the people they're robbing

Peterson criticized them as Tyrants and theives.

You called him a whiny bitch.

Am I missing something or are you stupid and don't like the fact that you're wrong? Shit flinging ape. 🐡πŸŽͺ🀑🦁 πŸŽͺ🀑πŸŽͺ

Edit: Go touch grass. Gotta love these corny ass reddit replies. "Youre an incel, you're racist, touch grass" how about you get Petersons dick out of your mouth, loser?

Monkey in Space

Let me give you a better example. The pope tells you that wearing condoms is a sin. The same guy is then caught balls deep in a 40 person orgy wearing protection.

Jordan Peterson sees a sign that says "contraception is a sin" and makes a post about how that's petty coming from a tyrant

You, a dumbass, "People should have sex how they want, whats the big problem? Tyrant? He's over exaggerating."

I explain to you that the pope was caught wearing a condom in an orgy. (4 billion over 10 years you fucking idiot. BILLION where do you think that money is coming from dumbass? The people?)

You, a dumbass, "Two things can happen at once." Man shut up πŸ’€

JP Haters love living in delusion land πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ log off monkey, the circus needs you πŸ΅πŸ¦πŸ‹β€β™‚οΈπŸŽͺ🀑🦁

Monkey in Space

Just get "I hate Jordan Peterson" tattooed on your forehead clown. Aren't you the same person pissed that Elon is raking in money while others suffer? Mad that Joe Rogan is spouting off bullshit about struggle while living lavishly? But Jordan Peterson says that rich high ranking people are making a mockery of you publicly while they rob you, and you decide to call him a whiny bitch.

Back to the circus with you.


Monkey in Space

The sign was created by Metro Vancouver. Cleanest city of 2020 right?

"Metro Vancouver believes the North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant will cost $3.86 billion and be substantially complete in 2030.Β 

That is more than $3 billion extra and 10 years later than originally planned."

Took me two seconds to look into it dude. Stop flailing about and bitching. Look into something that bothers you before going on a tirade. JP is pissed, you're calling him a crybaby lunatic "over a sign in the bathroom" The same people stealing billions and doing nothing in return are being subtle, but petty telling others to recycle. Is that not something to be angry about or am I misunderstanding something? "Snowflake" lmfao fucking moron πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

You will literally never know when it's uncomfortable for her unless she tells you. You aren't making this worse by doing what you do normally, especially considering her turbulent sexual past. If she says no or stop, just stop. Therapy never worked, there's literally nothing else you can do except be there. Never feel guilty about having sex with her, it's a normal way we express love and you could be making things harder by pulling back and making her feel unwanted. Sexual trauma is a rough road, if you feel like not having sex is a deal breaker just cut her loose, because that's another possibility. I personally wouldn't mind jacking off for the rest of my life if my girl loved me to death, but some people find it impossible to live with those urges.

I'm sorry you two have to go through this and hope it gets better

Monkey in Space

Telling people to recycle more when the people who create the product dump billions of carbon waste into the planet yearly is nonsense. That's his point. Rich people speaking on climate change saying we should do better hop on private planes DAILY. That's the point. Or keep hating this dude for no reason because you're weird?

Women are just like this dude. I've personally known women who have gone through the wringer their entire life. Absolutely god awful things Tyler Perry movie style. Her boyfriend would open up about how he feels or cry a little, "Idk that's some pussy shit." Lol girl would you rather be dating another rapist? πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

I grew up being called a pussy a vast majority of my life because I'm a nerd and don't like unnecessary conflicts. When I got older it started to piss me off, and people who said that I'd step up to, they wouldn't do shit. Only a couple guys tried and they got beat up, I'm talking 2/1000. "You think you're tough, you're soft. You a hoe, ill beat your ass" I let that bullshit wear me out so bad that now I'm waiting for another encounter just to get this pent up hatred out of me.

Why did this happen? I never spoke up for myself. I never removed myself from those situations and people. When tensions were high and I couldn't do anything about it, I would cry. And that became my reputation, despite the action I WANTED to take. It isn't fair. It isn't right. But this is the world that we are living in brother. Women expect you to be their shoulder to cry on, not the other way around. People will call you a Coward for avoiding violence, a bully for beating people who threatened and belittled you, weak for crying when everything becomes too much, doormat for helping others whenever they ask because you'd hope the same hand would be extended if you were down, it goes on forever.

It's OK to want a helping hand, but learn to carry burdens alone. Stick by the right thing to do and never let someone else's words sway you. I really let this world turn me into someone that craves violence just to prove that I WOULD hurt someone. It's disgusting and embarrassing. It's hard as hell man but keep your head up, stone face and weather the storm. It won't stop until you're dead.

I can't name one homie I know that codes after playing COD for 12 hours. πŸ’€ hes a respectable guy for having that focus and drive.