I actually think the way you put it here in your post is pretty perfect. An analogy can go a long way with the right timing.

“I try not to make a habit of discussing private matters.” chuckle “For me, it feels sort of like being asked about my sex life, and I’m sure you can imagine why that would be weird.”

That is who I’m friends with, period. If I find early on that I have a hard time getting to more than surface conversation or that the person lacks depth or is uncomfortable talking about real shit, we really won’t be especially close ever. They’re more of an acquaintance for me. And for some reason, the people that enjoy deep conversation as much as I do tend to find me and they generally open up on time.

I’ve actually noticed this also (and I live/am from the US). Anytime I travel outside of the country, I say “I’m American” or “I’m from the US”. If I’m within the country, I’ll say the city I’m from “I’m from Denver” or whatever. But you are so right, If I’m abroad and am in proximity of other Americans, they’re usually saying what city they’re from or whatever. Like, I’m sure to non-Americans it’s meaningless because chances are they don’t know or care where EXACTLY the city is lol why are we like this? 😂

This is me 😂😩 just start rolling the window up without another word 💀

Can you fucking imagine, though?! 😩😂💀 if you actually did this to a cop 😭 I’m dead

Yes, YATA. Seriously? Lol you’re this mad over two mothers escorting their kids (the reason is not anyone’s business, none of us are these kids’ parents and we do NOT know what their families are going through) to the school bus. The self-entitlement in you is truly next level. I hope you’re never in a position where you’re at the mercy of someone else to allow you to take up space in this world. Give me a freaking break ha

You can’t reach a good outcome with somebody like this. Do not cheapen your own energy by engaging with that kind of damage. Block the number, never to be heard from again. They don’t get to have access to you.

Yes dude. I spent such a long time expending SO MUCH energy masking all my “isms” that now if I let the mask fall or am simply myself unfiltered, I’m suddenly unpredictable and unapproachable. And if I then finally admit that what they’re observing is an autism-specific behavior or what have you, I’m accused of making up an excuse for poor social skills. I never knew how badly I was affecting future me the entire time I was masking trying to fit in and be liked ha

Exactly. Sit in the awkwardness, let ‘em squirm 😂

I personally usually say “what is that supposed to look like?” with a blank stare, waiting. But I almost get even more annoyed when they get all flustered and go “well you know what I mean.” Like, nah lol I don’t actually. Let’s rethink that lol

Probably not far off, especially considering the drug problem we’ve got. Us and everybody else.

Oh you’d be surprised lol I work in the Main OR at UNM and the amount of times I’ve been mid-shift, like 9:30am on a Wednesday morning, and suddenly we have a stabbing victim bleeding out on the table 🤷🏻‍♀️😩 like what on earth goes on that early in the day?!

I wouldn’t say that, ever. That’s not my place, I don’t have a medical license. Speaking only from personal experience with a lot of these injuries and what I’ve seen go into trying to treat them. The photo from OP is very consistent with what I’ve seen, personally.

If they try to touch me lol I am not affectionate by nature, I pretty much like to be left alone. I don’t want somebody hanging on me or hugging me (Which, is that an INFJ thing or a weird me thing? Lol) And some people do the absolute most with it, like this girl at work comes on shift and starts hugging everybody (I work in an operating room, physical contact isn’t exactly encouraged lol) and I usually try to hide from her 😂 don’t get me wrong, I am HAPPY and I’m friendly, I say hi to everybody, etc. I just don’t want a hug lol or if someone approaches me and puts their hand on my shoulder, especially if we aren’t that familiar…it’s, unfortunately, over for me 😩😂 fall back, dawg lol I totally get that I am likely the unpopular opinion here, make no mistake. It just makes my skin crawl 😂💀

I’d say there isn’t a worse between the two. Either way, if you puncture through the surface, regardless of where the entry point is, the damage is done. If you get yourself in the cornea and you dont lose vision from the puncture itself, you’re at least going to have a great big scar on the clear part of your eye, so your vision is ruined anyway. If you go through the iris (behind the clear part, the colored part), you’ll tear the fibers that make up the iris and it’ll look similar to OPs…but OPs is more likely surgical scarring. Your eye is kind of like a tire. It has a specific psi (we refer to it as your IOP), and if that value is thrown outside the normal range - like due to a puncture wound, you risk opacifying your lens (cataracts), detaching your retina (the photosensitive wallpaper that lines the back of your eye and allows you to perceive light), the list goes on. I tell people all the time. You do not want to screw with your eyes.

I know how easy it is to feel bad about disappointing everybody around you guys, but none of those people you’re worried about disappointing will be stuck in your marriage with a partner who cannot and will not put effort into something that is important to you. No, sex is not everything and once a week is plenty for a lot of people. But if it’s not going to keep you satisfied and willing to put in equal efforts for her, you want to know that right now. You deserve to have that need met by your partner, but you need a partner that can be your match sexually. That is too fundamental an issue to try to wait and see if it gets better. It won’t. Realistically, when you are dating somebody, that is the best your relationship will be again…so if this is a problem already, it will grow. Do both of you a favor and free yourselves to find your better match.

Often times if you puncture the globe (the eyeball), it results in vision loss bc of the way it disrupts the organ structures

So go ahead and disregard whatever your teacher said and carry on

Make direct eye contact and say “Why are you paying such close attention to me? It feels weird.” It’s unexpected to have a young kid be so forward and direct, you’ll likely catch them with their guard down. If they start to stutter and are clearly caught off guard, you can be sure that your intuition was correct. Don’t ever, ever feel bad for making an adult uncomfortable or calling them out…they are the adult, they have the responsibility in that situation.