I recently learned that my boyfriend does not wash his butt in the shower. We were taking a shower together and I noticed that he applied soap in his hand and gently rubbed his hand over his body. He said that he uses his hand to shower and not a loofa, washcloth, etc.

I also noticed that he didn't wash his butt. He said that when he's in the shower the water rinses over his butt and that's how he washes it.

I tried to be understanding as maybe his parents never taught him how to properly shower. I told him he needed to open his cheeks and wash in the crack. I thought we had come to an understanding that he would do so.

That all happened on Saturday. Now it is Tuesday and I've asked him if he has washed his butt since that conversation we had. He said no that he thought it was nasty to stick his hand in there to wash it. This time I am starting to distance myself from the relationship. IMO he is a grown man that doesn't practice basic hygiene. In his opinion, he needs time to get comfortable with the idea of it.

I can't tell if i'm being too harsh on him or if my wanting to end things is justified. Do I throw away the best partner I've ever had over this?