Partassipant [1]

This is the comment I was looking for! Fuck the cutlery what about the animals pissing and shitting in the house on a regular basis, and not getting bathed. That’s nasty and I say this as a pet owner.

Let her visit but be clear you aren’t hosting leave all of that up to your husband. Let them know they are responsible for their meals etc. if she has any senses she would be cooking for you and trying to meet your needs.

I will never understand people who fly in the day if a cruise.

Partassipant [1]

Are these stories real? I’ve lost count of the number of stories which involve women getting upset because one dad won’t do for her other kids. WTF?!!! Why don’t women think about the consequences of having kids with different fathers ?

Partassipant [1]

This is the comment of was looking for! Sounds pervish to me.

Thank you!! I’m Gen x and none of my friends were Bernie voters. My kids were Bernie voters. It’s simple math. It also doesn’t help that he wasn’t a member of the party he was trying to lead.

He hasn’t worked in four years so I would say you are entitled to a bit more than half but you should definitely get half of the equity.

NTA. There was nothing wrong with asking your mom why she was crying.

The worst part is the grey skies late fall-winter, it can get bad some years as you may have no sun for days on end. Other than that it’s what you make it, great place to raise a family.

NTA. I hate when someone designates my time. He could’ve asked if you mind if he made stops before dinner.

Partassipant [1]

Exactly or the neighbor can invest in an invisible fence for the dog.

Agreed! It doesn’t mean you have to watch the kids all the time but damn. How do you come home and cook or wash and not do it for minor children if you love their father?

Partassipant [1]

NTA. You certainly don’t own the name but they are asses for choosing a name that already exists.

There has ro be something more? That was such an over the top reaction. What’s really going on? It makes me thinks he is not nice to you on a regular basis.

Sorry for your loss and make sure the funeral home isn’t taking advantage, 50K sounds like a lot. Make sure you sign up for health insurance while you figure out your work situation.

NTA. and does she need a new therapist? After all this time if she is still telling herself she needs their approval, therapy isn’t working at all.

OP please make arrangements for help. You will need it the first few days after a hysterectomy especially if it is abdominal.

NTA. for some reason I get the vibe she can’t have kids and is hoping you will just drop it which is so selfish.

Why did it take her calling before your DH said something ? He should’ve blasted her the minute she said it.