Me (37F) und my husband (35M) have been together for 15 years, married for 9. We have two kids in primary school. We both work with a flexible schedule so we take turns working "shifts" - each day one of us will go to work super early and leave after lunch to pick up the kids after school and the other one will get the kids to school before work and stay longer. We decide who does which based on our daily meeting schedules and end up approximately with a 50:50 split. Now there is one rule we have: The one of us who works late has to be home at 6.30 for dinner unless there are special circumstances like a client dinner (which is then discussed in advance). On Monday, I had the late shift. Around 3PM, my boss got a call that his father had just died. Understandably, he was no longer able to concentrate so I sent him home and took over his duties for the rest of the day. Because there were some urgent tasks both on my own as well as my boss's desk, I didn't make it home until 7.15 - too late for dinner, but still early enough to do the kids' bedtime routine (which is the hard part of our evenings). My husband asked me quite angrily why I was late and I told him. Now, my husband knows that my boss and I get along very well and directly work together a lot. We're not friends outside of work, but have a close professional relationship. So naturally I felt sad and worried for my boss and wanted to help him out by covering his most urgent stuff. My Husband also knows him personally from company events and has never said anything bad about him. But when I told him I was late because my boss's dad died his answer was "So what, you had to go to the funeral with him immediately and hold his hand?" At first, I calmly tried to explain how I had to get my sobbing boss out of the office and then pick up all the urgent tasks but he remained angry. I also apologized because I'll admit that I did forget to call that I'd be late. Yes, I know that I should have but I was pretty much overwhelmed with the sudden situation and didn't even check the time. Plus, I was less than an hour late and he didn't call me either to ask where I was. Now I can't really get this out of my head, how my husband could say something so rude. I kind of want to confront him and tell him that was really an awful thing to say. So, am I in the wrong? AITAH for being late against our dinner rule and now overreacting because my husband was angry and rude about it?