He frequently sounds like he has untreated mental illness

Moved to Ohio from Los Angeles. Have had no issues and it’s quite nice. There’s so much beautiful scenery and really great outdoor places to explore. Like the person said above, stay away from associating with bad people and you’ll be fine.

  1. They’d prob end up making out and I could just look out the window.

I think it’s ok to say she just isn’t a good person. Is she better off without David? I would think so. But it doesn’t make her a better mom/person/pet owner. I think there’s a group of people who think she’ll change one day but it’s a slim chance.

YTA. My own parents went into insecure mode with my birth mom when I was a teen. She wasn’t perfect, but they also built up unnecessary tension by being insecure. Your son’s bio mom suggested something that anyone who knows your son might say- a sibling, a family friend, etc. “Thanks for the suggestion. We will think about it” is all you needed to respond. You are headed into the teen years with your son. Don’t build up walls that make it even more difficult.

Because they are putting in a good effort for their age, weight, and skill set. They aren’t mini-adults.

Ohio is a mess. I can think of Russia (pronounced Rooshie), Bellefontaine (bellefountain), Versailles (ver-sails), and Lima (ly-mah).

Where’s the post? I can’t find it 😭

I assume this post is rage bait, but you’d do whatever you’d like with your body and you’d give birth. Get high, drunk, whatever and you’d have a baby. No one is aborting a normal 35 week pregnancy and no one is stopping you from taking substances while pregnant.

It appears to be an act that becomes real over time for later-in-life converts, and a mix of learning the act and critical thinking skills not being taught/being beaten out of them for kids. These young girls are being told there is only one way to be godly, and with a lack of critical thinking skills and rampant abuse, I’m sure it’s hard to come out of that way of thinking. I’m sure it would be much easier for a convert to drop the voice/husband gazing etc than someone raised with it as their norm.

I work 12 hour shifts as a nurse and with waking up early and driving, etc. it averages out to be about 14 hours. Sometimes I don’t get a lunch. And I have 3 kids 6 and under and I still find my job easier on a lot of days than being home with them. And I do love them and enjoy them. I think you’re probably exhausted, your wife is probably exhausted. If you have the money, you should get some extra help around the house for her and give yourselves both a break.

Yeah. I have had my cats do weird stuff around the house, as well as my 6 year old, haha. I just try to keep an open line of communication.

I would take her word for it this time. If something suspicious happens again, I would say to her “you know, I’m just asking because I would like to know the truth. If you did do it, you will not be in trouble.” And see what she has to say, and then stick to your promise. Lying is not uncommon at this stage, but of course, it’s good to encourage them to be honest.

I don’t think Jenelle has an original thought in her head. Ever. She lies, excuses, and makes up stuff as needed. I’ve never seen her stand by any so called personal convictions or morals if she can make a buck.

As a kid I loved the smell of when the AC first turned on in a car. But I don’t feel like it smells the same as an adult :( Also, I weirdly like the smell of moldy basements.

I’m glad Sophia has at least one grandpa still around. He and his wife probably bite their tongue often to keep that relationship open.