NP & I are in a qpr and im so happyHappy!

so my nesting partner and i have been going through some shit with trauma, and hes been pretty avoidant and ive been pulling in because we’ve had the label of a relationship on us for a while now. im autistic, so labels mean a lot to me, and when we were labelled as a relationship, i expected relationship-adjacent intimacy which my NP couldnt give.

today, i told him about queerplatonic relationships (specifically the concept of romantic friendships) and its as if a lightbulb lit up above his head and he went “would you mind if we transitioned the relationship over to this?” which was a huge relief, since ive been contemplating bringing up a qpr to him for at least a month now.

im so happy we are on the same page, and my autistic little brain is so ecstatic about this. i am also probably getting into a qpr with a girl i really like!! so im super happy hehe

i get these since my partner shut down intimacy, and it fucking sucks :/ thing is, i am also ace (i used to hate any sort if intimacy except with my current partner) and used it for validation

im gonna give some anecdotal evidence and then leave this to be because i dont have the energy for this.

i went on hormonal birth control (Yaz to be specific) last year, and gained 20kgs which i am still struggling to shed. i gained this weight during the healthiest part of my life; i was exercising and eating healthy. i was in fact shedding more calories than i consumed, and yet, i gained fat. a lot of people go through similar things on the daily. for some people, it is genuinely impossible (or at least near impossible) to lose fat.,physiology%20are%20working%20against%20you.

thats it, im genuinely done with entertaining this conversation.

i am speaking from lived experience when i say that for some people, it is literally impossible with their circumstances. telling a heroin addict to “just stop, other people did it, so why cant you?” is about the dame as telling someone with PCOS to “just lose fat, these other people did it, so why cant you?”

for the addict to be able to safely quit, they would need resources and support systems in place. they would need to work closely with a specialist and have a good supportive network, as well as some level of stability to facilitate getting better.

that study doesnt take into account multiple factors; - inaccessibility of healthy foods on a wide scale (eg. fruits and veggies being a lot more expensive than processed foods) - social networks and support systems (a lot of people - like yourself - are quick to dismiss fat womens experiences with attempts at fatloss and their struggles, which leads to negative reinforcement. This has been proven to have negative effects on weight. ) - socioeconomic status (eg. the ability to purchase a gym membership, access to healthcare, expensive medications, exercise supplements such as protein powder and the list goes on)

there is also another myriad of factors, but these are the main ones. this study showcases that quite well.

also, the study you provided is from 2003, when the economy wasnt nearly as tragic as it is nowadays, so economic barriers were not barring people anywhere near as much as they are nowadays. while yes, getting better may be possible for people who are in certain niches (my best friend also has PCOS but is thin as a plank thanks to genetics and a horrible ED), to say that every woman with PCOS is capable of suddenly losing all this fat is ignorant and also ignores genetic variance and dispositions.

PCOS often comes with this lovely thing called Insulin Resistance, which a lot of unmedicated people cant keep under control. usually youd get something like metformin prescribed, but that comes with horrendous side effects so a lot of people (including myself) opt out of it.

some of the symptoms of PCOS include: - hirsutism - uncontrollable fat gain - abnormal periods - severe depression and suicidality - infertility - acne - severe fatigue

some symptoms of IR include: - lypodystropy - obesity - menstruation issues - uncontrollable hunger

these two conditions make it extremely hard to lose fat, unless you are on a very strict workout regimen. i am a powerlifter and train 8-12 hours per week at high intensity, and fat loss has been near nonexistent for myself, despite following a non inflammatory, high protein diet within a deficit while working closely with a coach.

the only time i truly lose weight is when i starve myself, but that doesnt last long, and makes me feel insanely unhealthy, irritable and fatigued. genuinely asking you to educate yourself on these conditions because telling someone to “just lose weight” is not that easy.

no idea! he just likes the word i guess haha, i find it sort of endearing and it feels like its MY nickname because its so unique :)

i call him lovely and silly goose, he calls me cutie and dongus :)

my ex did that! took me 5 years to unpack that can of worms in therapy

as an overweight gal, i have a skinny boyfriend and honestly, its about personality. i am her exact weight and height (though i powerlift so some of that is muscle, she might have a different build) and had multiple partners in the past, and the people im currently dating next to my partner are also on the skinnier side (not out of preference or anything, its just who i click with)

maybe tell her to focus on showcasing her personality and unique interests! thats what worked for me :)

break off contact; you tried to set boundaries and she oversteps them repeatedly.

daytime hotels if they allow underage guests. couple hours stay for like $100, it was a pleasant experience for me

my mum told me she thinks i have histrionic personality disorder

so quick backstory, i(22F) always struggled with something. idk what but i just… do. recently, my sister was diagnosed with OCD, and to support her, I began researching, and realised a lot of my symptoms align with what i was reading.

so with the support of my lovely partner, i began going to therapy, and I have a GP appointment for a psychiatrist referral tomorrow. I want to get tested for OCD, BPD and PTSD, since these are the conditions that I have found a lot of symptomatic overlap for after lots of research, and I have been the victim to lots of traumatic events.

today i called my mum(~48F) to give her a quick update on what’s going on, because I want her in the loop. she was surprisingly supportive, which I found to be a pleasant change of pace; she was always against me getting mental health help.

while she is one of my biggest fans, we always had a strained relationship, because she’s… well, not too emotionally intelligent (which i don’t blame her for considering my grandpa was an abusive alcoholic and we are Eastern European immigrants) and i have what i like to call Very Big Emotions; I was always a sensitive kid. she would always label me as dramatic when I expressed upset, attention seeking when i dressed how i wanted to (mainly goth stuff) and manipulative when i cried, and the list goes on.

fast forward to tonight, when i was at work. i work as a nighttime tech support agent, which means I spend a lot of time on calls with customers, and mute my notifications. she knows my shift times, and yet, she kept calling me to override the iPhone notification lock I have. I thought something was wrong so I excused myself from my shift (my grandma is on palliative care, so I was expecting the worst), and… I’ll just give a rundown of the conversation (M is me, H is her, I dont have the energy to be creative)

M: hey, is everything okay?

H: …yeah

M: why’d you call? sorry, i was working

H: you should look into histrionic personality disorder

M: can you stay on the line while I do so? I’m curious to know why you see that in me, that’s all.

H: yeah

So i looked it up, and… yeah

M: …these don’t really apply to me, mum; I don’t really like attention and the other symptoms aren’t really something I exhibit

H: just bring it up to your psych and therapist. often people with disorders like these don’t like to admit they have this.

That was a much shorter version of the conversation, but yeah. I am fucking gutted, and I don’t know why. (if you are not familiar with HPD, please read into it because it is incredibly fascinating, but the main symptoms are attention seeking, overly sexual behaviour, manipulativeness and theatricality)

I talked to my partner, who’s had his fair share of mental health experiences, and he was angrier than me; he reassured me a hundred times that he can’t see any of these behaviours in me, but I’m just on the couch, feeling numb and on the verge of tears. I can’t believe my own mother thinks of me this way. (also to anyone with HPD, I want to say, this isn’t a jab at you. as someone who might be cluster B- scrap that, as someone with basic decency, i love and support you; I’m just hurt that the only time she’s supportive is when she can paint me the villain through a condition that paints me as something that I am most likely not)


thank you! i was worried it would make it worse in some aspects, because acid made me incredibly existential and brought up some trauma, but again, different receptors and different mechanisms so im open to anything new :)

if you set a boundary, discuss it with him. if you havent…. discuss it with him!!!!

female perspective here, i was the other way around with my ex. he convinced himself he wanted kids to make the relationship worth it, but it just wasnt his thing.

we ended up amicably breaking things off, we are still very good friends to this day and talk nearly daily :) its gonna fucking sting, but this is a massive thing ti consider when dating

berenstein by the band camino; go to break up song :’) also promise me by badflower, shit hits hard

oh my god break up with him, both of you are too immature for a relationship

When I was 14, I was involved with my 18 year old taekwondo coach. I ended up being deeply scarred and traumatised, and when I turned 18, and was observing my younger sister and her friends (who were 14 at the time), I felt so disgusted with the mere idea of anyone in my (at the time) age bracket being involved with a 14 year old. run for the hills, especially if he takes things sexual. aldo if it is safe to do so, tell your parents

Approaching partner’s social media use?

howdy, so very long story short, my partner unlawfully lost his job and hes been coping seemingly by browsing reddit constantly and its only gotten worse. he has a hearing coming up and i can tell hes stressed, and he’s also opened up about the feeling of “purposelessness” from not having a job anymore, so ive been trying to be there as much as possible.

he went from occasionally browsing on his phone in the morning to nearly constantly browsing; when we are out, when we have guests over, when we are with family etc. i know this is escapism because i used to do that as well, im just not sure how to approach it. im thinking of just being upfront and telling him im worried about this, but any advice would be appreciated.


nope, get out of there. lying right off the bat is a huge nono

50/50, depends on the dynamic. my partner used to live w his ex (who treated him like an option) and i was uncomfortable with her, but our chemistry was through the roof. fast forward, she moved out because she threw a hissy fit and i moved in.

if its genuinely as intimate as if they were together, absolutely run for the hills. but otherwise, i would sus out the dynamic first and then see

episodes of disconnect from reality & how do they feel?

okay so ive recently had this thing where i would imagine very vivid scenarios/arguments in my head to the point where i fully believed they were real and world-impacting (eg. i fully believed my bf and i had broken up and then when i picked him up from an appointment, i was thoroughly surprised he was affectionate with me)

i am not sure if this is smth i should see a doctor about, but one thing i need to note is that from what i can remember, these episodes have gotten more intense as i started using cannabis for sleep more (i still definitely had them before, but it was easy to snap myself out of it). i plan on not having any more and getting melatonin prescribed instead to see if it helps.

but yeah, i want to ask if anyone had something similar? it’s important to note that i also have momentary hallucinations of things like bugs and shadow people and am intensely socially paranoid