so my nesting partner and i have been going through some shit with trauma, and hes been pretty avoidant and ive been pulling in because we’ve had the label of a relationship on us for a while now. im autistic, so labels mean a lot to me, and when we were labelled as a relationship, i expected relationship-adjacent intimacy which my NP couldnt give.

today, i told him about queerplatonic relationships (specifically the concept of romantic friendships) and its as if a lightbulb lit up above his head and he went “would you mind if we transitioned the relationship over to this?” which was a huge relief, since ive been contemplating bringing up a qpr to him for at least a month now.

im so happy we are on the same page, and my autistic little brain is so ecstatic about this. i am also probably getting into a qpr with a girl i really like!! so im super happy hehe