
There's a ton of men that have never been in a actual fight, especially if we discount a bit of shoving and some wild drunken flailing

He has only been arrested, they go to court after that bit

Tbf, every call i get after 2100 has always been bad news


The problem was that Jaune got more development than each individual making up Rwby, and they desperately needed some.

Its not that Jaune mattered, its that he mattered more than the protagonists


Ruby could have filled that role as "does it on instinct" prodigy without much changes.

She's the youngest and skipped grades to explain her gap in knowledge, but she does actually use aura on feeling. Hell, canonically she doesn't understand her own semblance.

Viola, Ruby can now ask stupid questions, wby can answer them

Even if she didn't, the effect is probably similar to a anti-demesne ritual.

It be harder to stick in one place, harder to own anything you could call home, but also harder to confine you or restrict you.

I never really got the sense that i was being hit unfairly, though you basically parry everything, i don't exactly pay attention to the exact shape of what's coming towards the character

Looking at the reviews, there's complaints about hitboxes (Did they ever change?, i feel they're not unreasonable), complaints about difficulty, a few complaints about crashes (never had any) and one weird one really hating the music.

Apart from that, its mostly people not liking the combat, which we both probably should concede, if you don't like the combat in this game, it probably ruins the experience.

Personally, i love this game. Its up there with Hollow Knight for me, but i can see why some people would bounce off it.


Its not unlike Sekiro if you played that. Can't comment on the Nine sols final boss yet, just got there. She killed me thrice, i feel this one is going to take a bit

I die like 8-12 times or so on most bosses. Occasionally i die to trash mobs but that's generally inattention.

You have a parry, you can perfect parry, which blocks all damage, or partial parry which deals internal damage, which slowly heals until you take an actual hit. Then its converted to actual damage. Later in the game you get 2 different special parries for special attacks.

A few bosses did have me go "This is fucking bullshit" while learning them.

Do note, there's a Story mode option which lets you tinker with the difficulty setting. The only stupid thing is you can't activate it during a play through. so you need to restart if you want to. (They should let you activate it during a play, or maybe let you copy an existing save but activate story mode in that)

[Edit] apparantly you can now activate story mode during the run.

Also, if you have PQ2, maybe look at the map and do some missions vaguely into the direction of the forest.

Volgens mij zitten er minstens 2 partijen in de coalitie die hopen dat het klapt en gewoon proberen te manoeuvreren zodat de rest de schuld krijgt.

Het kunnen er ook 3 of 4 zijn.

There aren't that many healthy options to eat 15k calories

Might as well instantly shit it out

You will be shitting yourself, but i imagine you can live with that discomfort for the money


The problem here is the combination of the three. Anyone that has a shot with Nami, almost certainly bounces of Boa, and i have no idea who could seduce Robin


He canonically kept being turned down over and over until a god set him up with a 100 girls. His only success is literally by divine intervention


Shippers ship anything with a pulse with anything else, including stuff without a pulse. I know, i have a AO3 account

Yes, Oda isn't doing romance, but Boa did fall for him, so it is a thing that happens. In the context where one woman expresses interest, Nami and Robin are expressing zero.

In comparison to any competition, he has the advantage of Boa, who rejected thousands of men, but the disadvantage that we know Nami and Robin won't.

On the surface, this isn't bad. But as damage potion, it has stiff competition in its three competitors

All 3 are generally less conditional to get off and don't require you to tank hits with your face. Though one of them doesn't ignore shields.

On the whole, i feel you need to take 3 or more hits in the turn you fire this for it to better then , quite a few classes don't like that, and quite a few scenarios feature fewer but harder hitting enemies, which also makes this harder to get off.

The debate about the best starting point to Discworld is long and few people agree on which one. Guards Guards is the start of the Nightwatch subseries, which probably is the most popular one, though i personally found it a weaker entry in the Nightwatch series. (Still good, it just ain't the Fifth Elephant)

Others recommend the better stand alone novels, like Small Gods or Pyramids (These are still in discworld, but have less connections to the other novels)

Mort is a popular entry because it's quite unique, few other fantasy books feature a main character as bizarre as Death.

Though in the end, by the nature of every book being a complete adventure, you can just pick up any discworld novel and start there, (Except light Fantastic, the only direct sequel), my first one was "The Nightwatch"

I suppose you might if you grind it out. Its a level reward. The two times i ran through the game i didn't have it, and i wasn't rushing by any stretch.

Depends on how you stretch the definitions.

There's corporate backed heroes which are actually villains vs.... a group of vigilantes that aren't exactly heroes either.

I personally don't mind if a sci-fi story replaces year or day with a cycle, or something else fairly intuitive, but on the other hand, i don't feel it adds much either.

Maybe its valid if there's some actual relevant plot bit that depends on this conversion, or if it actually informs or reflects their culture in a specific way. Maybe this creature doesn't sleep, so there's no clear division between the days for them

Given exact measurements of the new units seems odd, i have no idea how to organically tell the reader this unless its a "real world encounters aliens" setting. Then you can shoehorn it into the culture shock bit where the two species learn amusing tidbits about each other

Having stuff like the Mikiri unlocked makes the NG+ version of Genichiro significantly easier.

Though i imagine most people didn't even last 2 combos against genichiro the first time around, so getting gut still played a big part

I just never got how to approach the demon fight, so at some point i figured fuck it, its an optional boss and i'm just getting pissed off now, so i cheesed him with the cliff strat