YTA for weaponising your relationship. Sit down like grown-ups and have a real conversation about it. The silent treatment does not solve issues.

Get some therapy to deal with your insecurities before you get married, or it will all end in tears.

Why are you still married? She has shown you where her priorities lie: WITH HER.

What happens if you become ill or incapacitated? She's not going to stick around.

NTA, but you need to rethink the type of person you married.


My ex pulled out Well, if you don't bloody know, I'm not bloody telling you!

I asked him to think about what he just said.

It became a running joke.

Reference to when you're (a general you, not you specifically) fighting with your partner, but she won't give details about what you have supposedly done.

You know what you did!

Nope, I don't.

Who ruined your marriage?

Well, it wasn't you who tripped and fell, landing with your penis in a co-worker's vagina multiple times.

Man's kidding himself. Just play him some TSwizzle every time he asks... 🎵 We are never, ever, ever... getting back together...🎵

Edit: punctuation

BF is the one who needs to ask though, just so he hears it firsthand and actually understands that the bride means no.

Yeah, that's a 4hr drive. Might need to rethink that one.

I can if the faith actively works to cover up the crime and move the perpetrators around rather than handing them over to the police immediately.

Just so you know, pedophiles are an abomination to all. Not just you.

Not your problem. She's the one who burned bridges - if it is so terrible that she's ostensibly homeless, why aren't your mutual friend and/or sister offering to house her?

Wash your hands of her. Do not get sucked back in.



Ditch Thomas, tell your non-MIL to wear the kitten dress at their wedding.

No. Smoking killed both my parents. It is a deal-breaker for me in dating as well.

You know you are NTA. Come on. You weren't harsh either. Harsh is abandoning your child.

Keep her blocked. Block any flying monkeys. Enjoy your wedding and married life.

Which is beautiful, but she may find it hard to believe because of past trauma (nothing to do with you!). Did her ex hold expenses over her head? Did he expect to be 'paid back'?

Definitely worth a conversation. Hopefully you can work it out.

Just FYI, JR passes are more expensive now.

I love Japan, I took my son last year. He enjoyed it but was happy to come home. I could have stayed another month.

I hate having people turn up unannounced. It has a lot to do with feeling ashamed of what my house looks like (it is a years'-long project of decluttering and tidying), but also that my house is my sanctuary, and I need to be in the right headspace for having others invade.

If we organise something, that's fine. But don't just rock up.

I don't remember specifics, but I know that my dad used to watch a lot of westerns, and I would sob when the horses were shot.

As an adult, I am a really soft touch, and will cry at the drop of a hat, for good and bad. Drives my son nuts. 😂😂

You will be lucky to get anything within 2hrs of Brisbane for $200 pw.

You would ne better off looking at regional centres. Someone suggested Gladstone, that's a good place to start.