My husband of 10 years had an affair with a coworker. When I found out I wanted to work on things. We tried working on fixing things but I felt like he was just going through the motions it never felt super genuine. 4 months after d day I found out he was still involved with her, which he still worked with her and refused to quit because of money reasons. He decided it was best to just divorce, pushed me and our 2 kids out of our home. Our divorce was finalized very quickly, like within 2 weeks of filing. I was still trying to hang on and fight for us. After about 2 months of being pulled around and playing the pick me dance and him barely seeing his children I finally told him I couldn’t do it anymore. And that I was done.

Immediately he was pleading to work on things that he was so sorry and he wants his family. I snapped I felt numb I felt nothing towards him anymore. He continued to try and fight for us now while I told him we’re just going to coparent now. He told me he’s committed to winning my trust back. But I told him I wasn’t interested in a relationship anymore. In this time I met someone else and was very happy. But he was still trying to get me back. Holidays came and I was feeling sad about the family apart so I told him we can start doing things with the kids to see if we can organically grow something but I wasn’t wanting to reconcile or take him back. For 3-4 months he was a model wayward. He was doing personal growth and showing up for the kids and being a really supportive person to me, even though at this point I was still seeing someone else. I was always honest with him. Until I think it finally wore on him. He felt like I was just trying to be a family without working on things and having some guy on the side, I was leading him on, then started blaming me for our family being broken because I wouldn’t just give him one more chance and leave this new guy. That I was more invested into him than doing what was best for the kids.

I tried for so long to fix things after the affair, after finding out about the second affair & even after the divorce. It wasn’t until I stood my ground that he FINALLY wanted to work on things. Then after a couple months of trying to be better and me consistently telling him I’m not ready to reconcile then he flips the narrative and tells me I’m betraying him and our family. Part of me feels guilty for not giving him -yet another- chance but at the same time my gut kept saying it wasn’t right yet. I told him he was free to date others and not wait for me but he always told me he didn’t want anyone else he wanted me and his family back together. Where is the line that says I’m not going to put up with this and move on? I gave him so many chances and it makes me mad that it wasn’t until my heart and mind completely shattered and when I finally moved on that he came back willing to do anything and everything.
AITAH for not taking him back? Did I ruin our family?