To be fair, I had cataract surgery and had something similar. I had to be awake for the procedure. I could see the needle in my eye, but it was blurry and I didn't care. : )

After, while they were getting me ready to leave the OR, someone asked me how I felt. I said, "I feel fine. Are you sure you gave me something?"

"Yes. That's why you feel fine."

I think she was both very excited about being pregnant again, and very concerned because 1) she had a miscarriage and 2) she knew she had gained a lot of weight - weight she was supposed to lose before pregnancy. So she's going through all this mental stuff, and Yar is like a tree. No emotion. Doesn't seem as thrilled about the baby as she is.

I'm not saying he doesn't want the baby, none of that. He just seems to be a person of low emotion. Or, like a lot of guys, this is unknown territory for him and he doesn't really know how to act. Women are used to other women talking about being pregnant, not being pregnant, childbirth, nursing, hysterectomies, etc. their whole lives. Men, not so much. I'll reserve any real judgment until the baby comes and I can see how he acts then.

I do feel a bit bad for her. I met my late husband after he came back from Vietnam. All of his high school friends that didn't get drafted were married and had kids. So when our little pumpkin came along, he was thrilled and very engaged.

I'd probably leave it alone, as I don't like sauce on my eggs. Some red pepper flakes would be okay. Garlic. Onions. Red and yellow peppers. No sauce.

I thought the grandma ribbon was a little tacky. But that's okay, a lot of things for baby showers and birthday parties are tacky. What bothered me was that Alex couldn't be bothered to take the ribbon off the card and hand it to Nancy or even pin it on her. That should have been a happy grandma/daughter moment, but it was nothing.

She didn't open the gifts? Isn't that what people want to see at a shower?

So is she going to stay out there (LA?) until finished or will she fly back and forth? It takes awhile to heal or at least be manageable, between each surgery. I can't imagine going on a long plane ride with your legs in bad shape. Jeez.

Also, from what I've seen of the procedure, it looks barbaric. Anna cries when there's nothing going on; how is she going to manage post-op pain and, I assume, an inability to walk? She might manage a commode by the bed. Man.

I learned all I needed to know about Nancy when she asked Yar if he walked around with his junk out. Good lord. Not only did she ask that, but she did it online so now it's preserved for eternity.

I realize her doc has some special procedure he's going to use, but for doctors who use tested procedures - would both legs be done at once? Seems like a lot to recover from - and you can hobble to the bathroom, etc if one leg is out of commission. A lot harder, especially at her weight, if both legs had the procedure.

She knew she had it. She should have said, "I have lipedema. Will that affect my training and running?" (That should have come after, "Will my being the size of my fridge affect my training and running?"

I don't mind the dress. It looks very cool and summery - but I'm an old hippie, so what do I know about what the kids are wearing these days? However, the shoes. Uff da.

That does seem low. I have a continuous glucose monitor that alarms when I go high or low; I can set the reading which will trip the alarm. My low alarm is set for 70. That's not 'OMG low,' but gives me a heads up that I should be watchful. Depending what's going on, I may or may not have some glucose.

Looking up what's normal for her age, 140 is normal 1-2 hours after eating for a non-diabetic. It seems strange that she'd get down to 74 if she just ate.

Should RunLab have warned her?

When she was evaluated by RunLab, instead of just telling her she wasn't even walking correctly, should they also have told her she shouldn't run because of the lipedema? I'm no expert here, but dang, I have to think that all that 'running' didn't help her situation.

I think the folks at RunLab were chiropractors and not MDs, but even chiropractors should have some knowledge of what might be harmful to people with certain conditions. I might be wrong. I'd certainly appreciate someone telling me that, "No, we're not going to help you run. You're barely able to walk, much less run. Let's help you walk better." Of course, Anna doesn't like to be told she can't do something, so maybe she wouldn't have heard any warnings from them.


I don't know if she's worried about weight as much as appearance. Not that her legs will turn out beautiful, but it's getting harder for her to find anything that fits - especially if she's going to continue to try on clothes available at regular stores such as Target, Penney's, and Walmart.

I wonder if she'll do bathing suit try-ons for awhile? Her legs may get smaller, but they ain't gonna look that great. Sorry, Anna.

I don't think so, because I've watched her reaction twice (nice background) and she said she has it. She said the word several times in conjunction with her own problems finding a doctor who can treat her.

Personally, that seemed odd to me. She's in Florida and seems to have a decent job - accountant? Unless she's in a rural area with minimal health care, how could you not find a doctor who can help? And she said her doctor couldn't help her find someone. That's kinda what they should do if they can't provide a treatment themselves, or so I thought.

Yeah, but I bet he'd lose his job if he shared too much. To be fair, I'd fire him, too, if I found all my behind the scenes info spread all over someones social media. Even people without a lot of drama don't want every minute of their lives out in public.

Spam Kimbap


Recipe here. Looks nice. I don't think my sushi rolling skills would do it justice, though.

Pumpkin spice Spam? How was it? I'm not one of those people who do the whole pumpkin spice thing all fall. Seems like a way to ruin a good can of Spam, but I could be wrong.

Good luck with that. Where's the business expense? I bet a lot of people who show up won't want to be filmed. She may decide she doesn't want to film it anyway, just so she can enjoy the event. If she shows a few clips, maybe of the venue and decorations, in another vlog, that ain't gonna do it either. All that said, I don't see a business expense here (I used to do trusts and estate work, but I don't think I'm that rusty when it comes to expenses). It's not something she's doing for her business or something that's done in the usual course of 'influencer' industry. I'd deny it.

I realize she doesn't have friends or co-workers to do it for her, but you'd think her mother could do it. I guess I don't really care who hosts the party, including Alex, it just seems strange her mother doesn't. Of course, maybe she offered and Alex said 'no.'