Thank you! I'll give it another try

Stainless Steel

Hello All, My wife and I were just gifted a brand new set of All Clad Stainless steel pans! They are so nice and I have used them to make a few meals so far but I am still figuring out the pre heating process. I typically preheat the pan for a few min on Med-med high heat and then add my proteins. I've found that it smokes quite a bit, which may be the pan being too hot? I am less concerned with sticking with larger proteins such as steak or chicken because I know that it will remove itself when its ready. But, How the heck does anyone cook eggs on stainless steal without super burning them? I tried making a light omelet the other day and it was a disaster lol. Any tips?

Dispersed Camping/Fly Fishing

Hi All, This is quite last minute (but I just found out I dont have work this weekend), but I am trying to find a spot where I can camp by the car and hopefully near some good trout water to do some fly fishing. I am semi familiar with the Esopus Creek from Kingston up Rt 28 but I dont think I've ever seen any camp sites along the river that I know of. Really looking to just sent up tent by the car and walk to the water if I can. I am spinning my wheels looking at interactive maps from the DEC but I was curious if anyone else has any experience and wouldnt mind sharing! Thanks!

I saw that too! So simple and wayyyy easier lol I'm looking to fill my weekend so I'm gonna do the pain in the ass method first just to say I did haha

I see - I have about 3lbs of beef marrow bones in the freezer. I think I might just use the chicken wings and veal shanks with one or two marrow bones. I hope that works well enough

Demi Glace Questions

Hello All,

I am taking the plunge into making a Veal stock for braising short ribs. I was planning on making enough stock that I could reduce the extra into a Demi Glace that I could freeze for future use. I know true demi is made from veal bones, but they are hard to find. I've seen chef john use chicken and beef shanks which i know will change the flavor slightly. My local butcher doesnt have veal bones but does carry veal shank. I'm curious if i could get alittle closer to a true demi if I used veal shank and chicken wings instead of beef. Or if that even makes sense to do? Any thoughts, thanks!