The Catskill Mountains

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Concerns about Ticks

Planning an overnight camping trip, as my partner has never gone and I haven’t been in years. I’ve gone down south where it was less tick-y compared to the Northeast, so I’m not very experienced with managing that kind of thing. Could anyone provide insight on how bad it is out there and suggestions on how to manage it?

I’ve been looking into permethrin treatment for all my gear and clothes (minus underwear ofc) and deet for exposed skin, as well as carrying a pair of tweezers or the like for removal. But ideally I’d like to prevent getting to the point of needing said tweezers (please educate me if my hopes are misplaced)

Edit: we’re both cowards when it comes to bugs so we’re trying our best to limit what we can (understanding there’s no 100% preventative measures)

Seeking Concrete Foundation in Catskills (Near Arkville) with Bounty…

I'm looking for a team to install a concrete foundation for an extension I'm planning to add to our home near Arkville / Margaretville.

Finding an honest, able and willing contractor in the area is easier said than done - so I’m putting out a $500 reward for anyone here that introduces us to the contractor/team that does the job.

Thank you!

Walden in the Catskills - Henry David Thoreau Upstate


The writer Henry David Thoreau is famous for a hut he built with his own hands on the shore of Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. To be more precise, he is famous for the book he wrote about his two-year residence in this hut. It was published in 1854 and bore the title: Walden; or Life in the Woods. The book was, for the most part, ignored during Thoreau’s lifetime, but it slowly gained recognition over the years. Today it stands as one of the monuments of American literature. Few realize that Thoreau’s “experiment in living” at Walden Pond began with a reminiscence of the Catskill Mountains.

read on -

Comedy Night in Hurleyville Again

Hello, I'll be back hosting a great group of comics at the Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre a week from tomorrow night (show is Wed 6/26). This time Christian Finnegan from Best Week Ever, Chappelle's Show, Conan, the Late Late Show and more will be headlining. He's hilarious. We've also got Liz Barrett, Rich Kiamco, and Mike Peters coming down from Binghamton. Last time I posted about the show at HPAC here some Redditors came out and had a great time!

Comedy on a Wednesday!! What better way to kick off summer. See you then!

Catskills Secrets

My daughter and I are traveling to the Catskills this weekend. We're staying at the Holiday Inn in Saugerties, and will be hiking to the Overlook Mountain Fire Tower on Saturday, and Kaaterskill Falls and Platekill Falls on Sunday.

Can you recommend the best parking or trails for either of these?

Also, is there anything even better we might be driving right by that we should stop and check out?

swimming hole secrets of the summer

The truth is if you want to find a swimming hole, hike along trails by rivers and when it looks deep enough water wise, just start looking around, only needs to be the size of a bathtub to get a quick dip in that sweet spring fed stream

Catskills/Shandaken Region

Hello, my family and I are going to the Catskills for the first time and staying in the Shandaken area. We are already planning on going to Kaaterskill falls but were wondering what other places we can explore that doesn't require strenuous hiking? Thank you!

Peek anoose camping

Question about camping here , Will the permit cover one night of camping? Thank you in Advance!

What to do on trip with babies

Hello! I’m staying in an airbnb in prattsville for a weekend in June with a group of friends who also have babies less than a year old. We just have one winery visit planned so was looking for recommendations on other possible baby-friendly things to do other than wineries and breweries. Kaaterskill falls has always been on my list to see but I’m reading that it might be steep and rocky, so might not be a good idea? Thanks in advance!

Low Key Catskill Areas

My boyfriend and I are avid hikers and adventurers. We spend most of our vacations as off the grid as possible- the lower the towns population we stay in, the better! We love to get away and be alone.

We are headed up to the Catskills fourth of July weekend. It’s my boyfriend’s extended families house and it was the only weekend we could get. We’re concerned about crowds. I also have pretty bad social anxiety and generalized anxiety associated with crowds. I know it’s going to be hard to avoid during a holiday weekend, but I’m wondering if anyone has any recommendations for less popular-still beautiful trails and/or swimming areas?

I know we will most likely have to deal with crowds at some point over the weekend, I’m just trying to minimize it as much as possible, if that makes sense. Any tip helps!

West Kill area - pros/cons of buying a second home

Hi all —

There’s a property near West Kill that I’ve rented for weekends/week long trips for a few years, and I love it. It’s a few hours from my primary residence by car, but the quietness, the proximity to natural beauty, the location of the house and its amenities have provided so much to me that I seek it out to rent a few times a year. I occasionally check real estate in the area, mostly to dream.

I have it booked for a few days later this summer; I also found out this week that the owners are interested in selling.

It would be a financial stretch, but likely not impossible. If we were to buy, it would not be used as a rental - just as a weekend property for our families to use.

I am from out of state, and while I’m obviously somewhat familiar with the area, I’m interested to hear from this community: what are some things I need to know before doing something like this? What are any pros or cons? Are there state or community issues (financial or otherwise) I need to be aware of, things that make taxes weird or make it hard to have work done on the property? What do you wish you knew, or what questions do you wish you’d asked?

Thank you in advance!

Camping near Kaaterskill high peak -- how is it?

Planning a 1-night solo trip up to do Kaaterskill high peak and round top and a few other things around there. Has anyone camped up there? Any tips? How's water availability?

Visiting Alligerville/Mohonk Area

Hi there!

I’m taking a small weekend trip to the Alligerville area by the Mohonk Preserve, and besides visiting Kingston and maybe making the drive to Saugerties (almost an hour from where I’d be staying though), I was wondering if anybody knows of some cool spots around, places that are a must see, or even just a personal favorites of yours.

Open to any and all suggestions, but just no challenging hikes please (anything moderate or easy is fine though)!

Please and thank you!!


Anyone know of a good 3500 peaks journal?

Running thru NYS permitted areas

I am new to the region (East Jewett) and I was trying to get to the Black Dome Range Trail via Katydid Creek Unit but I can see another piece of land nearby has a sign by the NYS that allows Hiking to get to there, the problem is that that land is private and goes to other empty properties that I canse see they are marked as trusts on LandGlide.

Is that common? Is common to follow those trails I just want to make sure I am not trespassing.

Thanks a lot!

Dating/social scene in Kingston, NY

Mid-30's female looking to move to Kingston, NY (roundout area). What's the dating/social scene like?

Beginner Fly Fishing Lessons

Hi all! Looking for recommendations for an outfitter/guide for myself and son (12). Thanks in advance!

Removing Attic/Vaulting Ceiling

Hi everyone. Has anyone in the area ever removed their attic to raise the height of/vault their ceiling? If so, approx how much did it cost and what was the process like?

Would you recommend? Thinking about doing it in an older farmhouse since the ceilings were built pretty low.

If you have any local contractors you recommend around Accord, that would be very much appreciated!