She's hates sitting still for 5 fucking seconds

Look at her. She's as round as barrel. She is definitely the culprit

What's the issue? It's not like she can walk over there anyway

Your Mal has nearly the exact same color pattern as mine. I had to ask her if she was over there.

Turnip, you silly goose. That's a people chair

They aren't even in each other's way, so no.

And they always put "badass" music over the video to try to insinuate that it's so cool and difficult to master. I saw a video of a dude in full military (prolly just airsoft) fatigues, and his Mal had a full vest and goggles and ear protection... and all he was doing was just handing gesturing the dog to sit, lay down, and go in between his legs. I thought, "I'm doing that with my Mal right now in my underwear while she has a sock in her mouth."

Season 3 Clone Wars is where it really started to ramp up.

Na, we stick with dogging on the trash ass NFC LEast. FTE

I'll be damned before I let any other division talk shit about the best division in sports history

The lions really know what it's like being under 0.500, huh 0-16?

No, they absolutely do not. Maybe last year, as that's the only good season the lions have ever had but not before that

Aye, maybe one day, the lions will have more wins as a franchise than those teams! Doubtful but still

0-16. They kicked the Lions of Thanksgiving because it was tradition that they'd lose.

Honestly, I hope the Packers kick the shit out of the Eagles week 1

I think OP saw one Vikings fan say that and just assumed we all thought that. I'm certain we all knew the luck had run out (clearly with Kirk and Jefferson going down), and it wasn't a sustainable way to win

Pfffftttt. Couldn't be the greatest division in football