I Roll Joints for Gnomes

I smoked some green crack like last year. It’s not hard to find where I live

I don’t act like a tough kid anymore. I’m 17, but the person I am now is far different than the person I was 3 years ago. Complete switch. I’ve mellowed out and have become a lot more sensitive

It’s for the better. I love who I am now. And hopefully I will love the person I become later on

hermit human

I think both are also amazing. But I love the creativity of American pizza. You can put anything on it no shame. Just do your thing.

Some combos I see are nasty… but some are very strange, but delicious

If you stand up, it moves stuff around. Moving it around at all makes it more of a mess to clean. Staying in the sitting position has always kept me clean

Ignorance at its finest! Personally, I don’t give a fuck what you say. But some do, and I know how it feels to care. It’s always good to expand your mind, but if you simply refuse to become more intelligent.. do your thing lil homie. Not everyone will do something, but someone will give you what’s coming to you

If I was ever proposed to in public, I’d likely be happy, but I wouldn’t be able to get caught up in the moment. Too many eyes that should not be seeing.

I hope this is what I am. Untethered. Actually being able to do things. Many who have have families long for some sort of independence, but family is everything once you build it and I completely understand that.

I just wish the solitary(mostly alone) life for myself. Full of friends and laughter. I’ll make sure that happens

Im late, but it’s all in your head. Only you can know what makes you comfortable in a trip. So sit down, have fun

My 5x was on a bender when I was like 14 lol. Wanted to see how much I could do it. Ain’t no shame if you only do it that much once 😂

I Roll Joints for Gnomes

Never. I thankfully made it through the last 2 years without getting caught

Any person can be racist. There’s no argument, read the definition. Also we need to stop focussing on race so much as a society, it divides us. Fight for equal rights, but there aren’t many other reasons

If you are around the baby more, then the baby is going to crave time with their father more. It’s just how it is.

I just do it whenever I want. I’ve gone weeks and I’ve done it 5x in a day (not a flex). Whatever suits me for that day 😁

(Do whatever you please in mourning, this isn’t meant for that aspect of death) People should stop using it. It really softens the blow of everything. Let me give you and example

“Oh no! 100 women and children were unalived during the unaliving today!” Vs. “Oh no! 100 women and children were murdered during the murder today!”

There’s a difference. The word murder just strikes most a lot harder. Same with die, and kill, and death. It just rattles you more.

It lets people understand that the situation is serious, and no joke.

How many lives I have positively affected. I know of many that I’ve helped, but you’ll never know how many people you do good for. I’d like to see

Just the number. Not what I did. Not whom I did it for. Just the plain ol’ number will suffice

hermit human

It’s a respect thing among men. Not all men. But lots of men. You can politely tell them that their grip hurts you and to lighten up. But that’s your choice

I’m sorry you’ve had bad experiences with men. Truly shitty. Some of us need to get our priorities straight. Some of us need to understand that not every girl they meet is gonna be their potential wife. With me, if I meet a girl, we click or we don’t click really fast. Whether that be a friendship click or romance click, but it’s not that hard to tell the difference 💀

What is nice guy syndrome? I’m nice.. but I wouldn’t say I’m a “nice guy”

I made my own 3rd place. My friend and I go out to this place on city land (unused). Nice acre of trees to just disappear in. Greatly enjoy going out there and making it ours

My bad. When I make a comment. It’s meant for anyone. Hence the use of “you”. It could apply to anyone. Not you

I Roll Joints for Gnomes

That’s what I did in high school and I graduated last year. I would “Zero it out” in my lungs, but never used a filter. Also never got in trouble

I see them as people. It’s up to you if you see them as people. I give them money, I give them food, I’d give them hugs if they asked for one. Once everyone starts to see homeless people as people, things will start to look up for them

If you think this is a good idea, you need to get off of the internet and reevaluate life. I’m not even making fun of you or anything at this point, it’s a bad idea. You’d be an idiot to use one in a serious manner. I’d go fuck around with one to see if I could break it or see what it could say, but that’s about it. I’d probably just use chat gpt for that anyway

Don’t fake your orgasm. If you fake it, I’d never have sex with you again for your sake and mine. But hey, if you actually care for me, and want me.. teach me. I’ve been taught by some and others I haven’t